Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Nathan Landow. A Marilyn Goldwater contributor. And builder of many high rises I've been to during this campaign. Including what is supposed to be his greatest triumph, the Promenade. But today, I was at the humbly named Landow Building to be interviewed by the BCC Chamber of Commerce PAC along with Mike and Angela. When I arrived, they were already in the lobby and our Democratic opponents were still in the Eagle Bank boardroom. When the doors opened, Bill Bronrott stopped to greet us coordially. "The whole team's here!," he said. In contrast, Marilyn Goldwater was absent on the Democrats' team, as was my father's opponent, Brian Frosh.

When we went in, there were 12 members around the large table, easily the largest panel I've sat before in this campaign. There is a spectacular view of downtown Bethesda from the 12th floor, and towering construction cranes swung around in the near distance. So it was quite an appropriate backdrop to discuss the issues with the Chamber PAC panel.

The new Gazette is out today too, and has a profile of my father for the State Senate race. Strangely, events are few these weeks, but I've been too busy on my campaign anyway. Aside from my strategy in the final weeks, I'm waiting to read what the Post and Gazette will do with their District 16 delegate endorsements given the Goldwater situation. Their decisions will be quite revealing in regards to their civic role in the community and to their journalistic integrity precisely because of that Goldwater reality and its implications for our District for the next four years. Vote for Robert Dyer!

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