Monday, February 19, 2007

Many of our elected officials believe that "public service" means that the public serves government, as I mentioned a few weeks ago re: the radical Clean Cars legislation, etc. This concept leads not only to bigger government, high taxes, and greater control of our lives, but also to hypocrisy.

One might recall the controversial Montgomery County Council mandate years back that forced homeowners to immediately clear snow and ice from any public sidewalk that crossed their lawns. Council members jabbed their fingers at the taxpayer, who is of course responsible for all that is wrong in Montgomery County. Well, it seems that the County government is not holding itself to the same standards it holds the taxpayer to. Days after last week's snow and ice fell, the County has yet to clear many sidewalks - including one in front of an apartment building for residents with disabilities. There is a photo in today's Washington Post Metro section that shows one resident having to flag down a bus, unable to access the Metrobus stop due to uncleared sidewalks. The County should be ashamed. They always trumpet those wonderful "services" as the reason you must hand over your wallet to them. Apparently the disabled do not receive the same level of service.

Readers of this blog, few as they may be, know that I just dealt with a similar disability issue last fall with the County Board of Elections, and was able to bring about a change there. Here goes the County again! It's a disgrace.

Now, while this is going on, what are Senator Frosh, and Delegates Bronrott, Lee, and Goldwater up to?

Ah, yes, they're once again helping convicted felons vote! What did you expect from legislators who haven't addressed increased violent crime in the last four years?

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