Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Brian Frosh, modest as always. Holding a fundraiser ostensibly to show he can "raise money to help Democrats get elected to the Senate," he refers to the event as a "Reception honoring Senator Brian Frosh." In other words, "help me raise money by honoring me." What would Frosh be honored for? Spending $1.1 million of taxpayers' money on political investigations that found nothing? Is Brian Frosh to be honored for his dispicable distinction of being one of a handful in Maryland to oppose Jessica's Law? Or are we to honor his brave and valiant crusade to ban dish detergent in the state of Maryland?

But just as Brian Frosh couldn't tell you the truth about Marilyn Goldwater's inability to serve, he can't be honest at his fundraiser either. He touts an endorsement - and explicitly implies the appearance - of Governor Martin O'Malley. Yet O'Malley will be in another state during the reception!! So he won't be there to witness what Democratic house organ the Post calls Frosh's "fundraising prowess." Yes, raising money for the Democratic Party is a real tough job in Maryland, a real challenge that tries men's souls. Actually, it's more like the job of parking attendant. The cars keep rolling in, and you just collect the money. So that's what we need in our next State Senate president, eh? Oh, and modesty, too.

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