Friday, August 03, 2007

Developer Land Grab Alert!

County Executive Ike Leggett is about to sell a wooded area adjacent to Tilden MS to a developer who will build townhouses on the property. Is this what Mr. Leggett meant by "slow growth?" Is this "preserving green space" in action? Is this an example of "Project Open Space" in action? No, no, and no! This is one of the last green spaces in north Bethesda!

Violent Crime Spree Continues in Montgomery County

A man was carjacked on Battery Lane. This was not emphasized in the local papers. Why not? To protect our do-nothing elected officials, that's why. They've worked on trans-fats, dish detergent, and restaurant menus, but not on crime!

Arnold for President

Regular readers of this blog know that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most prominent example of leadership in all 50 states. Gov. Schwarzenegger has proven that government can work when citizens are the priority, instead of partisan politics. When his last term is up in Sacramento, U.S. Congress and the White House beckon. Can a legal loophole be found to allow him to run for President? Let's hope so. Clearly there is broad support for a Schwarzenegger candidacy. Here is the result for an online poll at one point last week on Yahoo!:

Would you vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger for president of the United States?

YES: 54%
NO: 44%

Enjoy the clips at this special Yahoo! site, featuring the most successful and popular governor in America - and he's a Republican!

Click here for more of America's top governor.


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