Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Chuck E. Cheese is asking you to call your delegates and senator to stop the madness. Yes, it's true: Martin O'Malley is even going after your children's money, with a tax increase on arcade games! That is not a misprint. O'Malley is taxing video games. And haircuts. And public parking lots and garages. And landscaping service. Gift cards you don't use? The unused amounts are scheduled to be seized by O'Malley and his far-left cronies in Annapolis. They are shockingly out of touch with the residents of Maryland, as such arbitrary gift card deadlines are under investigation by Attorneys General nationwide. Remember, this is the governor who said slots were "morally bankrupt," but is now the biggest proponent of one-armed bandits in America. And of the largest, most regressive tax increase on the poor and middle class in American history - that's no joke, run the numbers yourself. Like the Washington Post, there is absolutely no limit to how low down and dirty O'Malley and the far-left will get in foisting their extremist agenda on every man, woman, and child in the state of Maryland.

And what a tremendous embarrassment for the Washington Post last night, as Republican Corey Stewart won reelection in a landslide in Prince William County. The Post put every resource they had behind Mr. Stewart's opponent, as they continue their gentrifying blitzkrieg into Washington D.C., and Northern Virginia. They even stooped to call one Republican "clownish" in their pathetic roundup of endorsements. We remember well how the Post insulted Republican candidates in the most childish way last year, and then proceeded to lie in their endorsement editorials. It is shameful, and unethical. And once again, it has failed.

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