Saturday, February 09, 2008


Washington Post Gambles on
"The Gambler" with Front Page
Metro Puff Piece

I have not been offered a job with a psychic hotline yet, but frankly I'm surprised about that. Once again, my predictions were correct. A few months back I told you that The Washington Post and The Gazette would do everything they could to give exposure to District 16's controversial, non-elected delegate, C. William Frick. And it has begun, with a front page Metro section puff piece about some minor credit legislation "The Gambler," Bill Frick, introduced in the House.

The merits of the legislation are a separate issue; but regardless, it was not worthy of a large, prominent, front page placement. Many major stories, including deaths, murders, scandals, etc. or involving prominent elected officials, are hidden in the back pages of the Metro section. To have such a minor story on the front page is a clear case of Democrats desperately trying to build the Bill Frick brand.

Desperate because, if you've followed the Bill Frick saga, a substantial percentage of Democrats in District 16 are still furious about his appointment. Women are furious because he was appointed over a more qualified female candidate, Regina Oldak. Slots opponents are furious because "The Gambler" Bill Frick's law firm lobbies bigtime for the gaming industry on Capitol Hill.

And the Democratic grassroots organization is furious, because Ike Leggett's choice, Bill Frick, meant that two loyal activists who had done so much for the party were just thrown overboard by their own Central Committee. I'm talking about Reggie Oldak and Don Mooers - and so are the Democrats! Nobody is going to forget this anytime soon. Thus it is critical that the house organs, the Post and Gazette, get everyone back on board by 2010.

Desperate also, because virtually no one - even within the party - had ever even heard of Bill Frick. So, as predicted, the papers have to get the phrase "C. William Frick (D - Bethesda)" on a macro, and on those pages - fast!

What an odd situation for the Post, and I guess we can expect more front page coverage for The Gambler in the not so distant future.



One of the great shocks of the last few weeks was the decline of the conservative talk-radio host. After most of them endorsed Mitt Romney, Republicans went ahead and voted for John McCain anyway. There is one man who still has credibility in the social conservative movement: Dr. James Dobson.

Every American has the right to be heard until the voting ends. Every vote counts. Of course, we should support Sen. McCain if he is the nominee. He may not agree with us on every issue, but he is a fine American, a hero, and is certainly well-qualified to defend our nation against the threats of our time. But until it is official, Republicans are allowed to support the candidate of their choice. That is part of the process, and I encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday.

I hope you'll consider voting for Gov. Huckabee, who is a staunch defender of the right to life, and of our 2nd Amendment rights. He also opposes the destruction of human life through stem-cell research. Importantly, he has spoken out on the real economic issues in our country today: we are losing jobs through "free trade" agreements, taxes are too high, and not everyone is doing well. In order to turn this around, we need a president who actually can diagnose the problems! With over a decade of executive experience as governor of Arkansas. And we need someone who can inspire and uplift people across this country, just as Ronald Reagan did.

That's why I am supporting Mike Huckabee on Tuesday, and I hope real conservatives will join me in Maryland and in the rest of the country where Americans haven't even had a chance to vote yet!

Conservatives Still Have a Candidate



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