Sunday, November 30, 2008


"Weakness is provocative."

- Jack Kemp, 1996

Are you one of those Americans who voted for Barack Obama because you believed the terrorists would throw down their weapons if he won? This was a real argument made by left-wing Democrats during the campaign. They not only called for immediate surrender in Iraq, but said that the election of Obama would end the war on terror. America would be on the road of penitence, they said. A black president, regardless of qualifications, would "heal the world" and the terrorists would have no reason to hate America anymore. The idea sounded good. It made you feel good. So, tired of the Iraq war as filtered through the prism of Jon Stewart, you voted for peace on earth by virtue of Barack Obama.

How's that working out for you?

Turned on the TV recently?

174 dead in India is the latest report.

Jack Kemp was correct: Weakness is provocative.

Obama says, "let's make a deal." "Let's sit down with our enemies and chat for a while."

In contrast, Ronald Reagan knew that peace was only possible through a display of strength. When Reagan's inauguration came around, Iran was smart enough to release its American hostages. They knew what might lie ahead if they challenged Reagan.

We had too many Americans (aside from the hordes of Acorn illegal voters) who were embarrassed to be Americans in this election. They voted that way. They were manipulated by the media, Hollywood actors, Jon Stewart, their high school teachers and college professors, and just about every other cultural touchstone in America. They were convinced that they should be ashamed. And to do penance, they voted for Obama, who would "restore America's position in the world." (Whatever that means. Oh, brother. How does the only superpower in the world "restore" itself? Did we fall behind Finland at some point?)

I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my country. The enemies of America will always hate America, no matter what we do, give, or say. As I type this, and as you are reading this - regardless of the hour - there are thousands of people in transit from their homelands to America.

They are walking. They are on boats. They are on trains. They're even swimming. Some of them will die in the process, in their struggle to reach America. As I've asked before, if the world hates America, why do most of its citizens want to live there? They don't hate America - they love it, and they want to be part of it.

Was it Hamilton who said, "a nation that prefers disgrace to danger is ready for a master. And deserves one." ? Something like that.

Unfortunately, a display of weakness in the context of nations invites war, not peace.

It's clear that for the sake of the country, Barack Obama needs to adopt a stronger foreign policy immediately.

On this Thanksgiving weekend, you might want to give thanks that George W. Bush was president in this era of the war on terror. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he is leaving office as a conservative socialist, who does not resemble the man we were so enthusiastic about in 2000. Yes, his mistakes cost many Republicans victory in 2006 and 2008. But the record is clear: Seven years, no further attacks on America. It is a record that will earn him high marks from future historians.

Let us pray that a President Obama continues that record throughout his term in office.

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