Monday, December 29, 2008

It is well past time for Democrat House Majority Leader Kumar Barve (District 17) to step down. Certainly from his leadership position, and preferably from his seat in the House of Delegates. Mr. Barve is assembling a rap sheet that is inconsistent with any standard that should be applied to elected officials.

Mr. Barve's latest escapade was reported by The Washington Post, but hidden in a tiny box in the back pages, on a holiday. Clever work by the Post to try to hide it.

The truth is that Mr. Barve has dodged taxes by claiming two homes simultaneously as his primary residence. Here's the best part: Barve apparently passed a law through the House targeting scofflaws who try this very scheme!

A psychologist might have a field day with Mr. Barve's new habit of breaking laws that he wrote himself. (The first was his conviction - and slap on the wrist - for DUI last year. Barve had written drunk driving laws as a legislator which passed in the House).

But as for the citizens, we've had quite enough. It is time for Mr. Barve to step down, especially since he has yet to explain his behavior in a candid and detailed manner.

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