Friday, January 02, 2009



We're not a white or black America. We're not a red or blue America. We're not a rich or poor America... But apparently, we are an able-bodied and disabled America; and Barack Obama's inaugural committee has made clear that this is one difference we cannot unite on.

In a stunningly offensive announcement, the committee warned disabled Americans to avoid attending the January 20 inauguration. Should disabled citizens try to join in the festivities, the committee advised that it would be very unpleasant for them. Bad weather, rough terrain, long distances between transportation and the site, etc. But no special accomodations, either.

Ladies and gentlemen, this a blatant violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Under the ADA, the inauguration must accomodate - by all means necessary - any disabled person who wishes (dares?) to attend.

We may disagree on the issues, but there are certainly many disabled liberals and Democrats who voted for - and may have even worked for - Mr. Obama. There are others who want to witness the historic inauguration of our first black president. First many elderly civil rights veterans were advised it would be too difficult to attend. Now they have compounded the outrage with the most insensitive, bigoted insult to disabled Americans I have heard in some time.

It's outrageous.

But I haven't heard one peep from the liberal, bleeding-heart media. Only here, on are you hearing the real story, or any critical questioning of the committee's actions.

Once again, as a Republican who has advocated on behalf of disability access since I was in college, I find my Democrat counterparts to be shockingly hypocritical and ignorant of that very issue.

We may have elected a black president, but it appears that we still haven't enlightened ourselves into the 21st century when it comes to disability access. The ADA was one of President George H.W. Bush's greatest accomplishments. Yet, I find myself filing complaints years later as governments and major corporations fail to comply with this mandatory set of regulations.

Is it too late for Mr. Obama (or George W. Bush) to step in and enforce the ADA by January 20? Let's hope their - and the media's - silence on this issue ends soon.

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