Saturday, April 11, 2009


Post Co. Director Buffett Has Ownership in Utilities;
Would Profit from Success by Dominion Power, etc.


Once again, the Washington Post has failed to disclose its financial interests, and has published another editorial which serves the financial interest of its director, Warren Buffett.

Yesterday's editorial - from the self-proclaimed "green" Washington Post - supported Dominion Power and other utilities' plans to build new transmission lines. No matter what the environmental or public health cost, the Post said. No matter how many historic Civil War sites are disrupted, the Post said.

Why this passion and fervor? Longtime readers of this blog know the answer, as I have uncovered the secret long ago on this website. Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that if Dominion, et al get their way, that Mr. Buffett's other American utilities will also get to build new transmission lines and nuclear facilities?

Journalism is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, as liberal newspapers crumble away across the lower 48 states. Americans increasingly turn to blogs like this one for the real story, which you can't find in papers like the Post anymore.

Senator Ben Cardin (who, I have it on good authority, actually read for the part of Tom Willis on The Jeffersons back in the '70s) is calling for the government to operate failing Democrat house organ newspapers nationwide, using your taxpayer money! Unreal! Heck of a job, Cardy!

I wonder how the Post reporters would cover Democratic politicians who would pay their salaries. (About the same as they do now, probably - the coverage of Montgomery County and Maryland Democrats is positively worshipful [worshipful!!], no matter how big the budget deficit gets, or how incompetent or reckless their leadership style is).

The best part is, when the Post ceases publication, the Washington Times will become the only daily newspaper in town.

The Post continues to destroy itself by slowly eliminating the very things its older readership still subscribes for - stock listings, comics, Book World.

But mostly it is destroying itself through the constant lowering of ethical standards. Its continuous failure to disclose financial conflicts of interest is at the top of that list.

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