Saturday, August 29, 2009


Now that the jokes have been made, and politician of priviledge Jon Cardin has dropped a mere $300 on the Baltimore Police chief's desk, there are serious questions that must be answered.

And there should be consequences for Mr. Cardin, who must be held accountable for the full amount of taxpayer resources he spent staging a marriage proposal with city police officers and vehicles.

We all know that it would literally be impossible to stage a scene like that for $300! Can you imagine the average citizen trying to do this? The insurance alone would break the bank. What would have happened if an officer had been injured during the stunt?

And the use of a violent "raid" to propose to a girlfriend? That doesn't sound very romantic to me. In fact, it was a fake scene that would surely have caused concern among witnesses who weren't in on the "proposal." This was reminiscent of the Air Force One flyover that caused panic in New York City.

Given the perversely out-0f-control violent crime situation, and lawless atmosphere of Baltimore under the "leadership" of O'Malley and Dixon, the diversion of police to Cardin's foolishness was truly a crime.

The bottom line is that Mr. Cardin has more explaining, more repayment, and more apologizing to do. Del. Cardin is clearly a man used to getting what he wants, thanks to his last name.

Now there is actually some backlash starting in the Baltimore Sun - I found a great comment where somebody posted a list of crimes that occurred while Cardin & friends were playing around in the Inner Harbor.

While Cardin was taking up police resources, 5 people (5!!!) were shot, and a police officer was struck by a car.

According to the Sun, city councilmembers William H. Cole IV and Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake are demanding answers - the real answers this time.

It's clear that after the full financial cost is repaid by Mr. Cardin, and a full investigation is completed and we know how in the world he was able to pull this thing off, he should then submit his resignation and get a real job. Instead of living off the wages of the rest of us.

It's outrageous.

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