Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Another www.RobertDyer.net Exclusive!!!

OK, first of all, RobertDyer.net thoroughly whipped the fading mainstream media by being the first to have video and photos from the Sunday grand opening of Georgetown Cupcake on Bethesda Row. There was no mention of it in Monday's Washington Post, and only today did I hear that WUSA had something about it, either online or with TV as well.

That was a full 24 hours later. So only you who visited RobertDyer.net got to see the exclusive coverage here Sunday afternoon. And there is more to come this week.

First of all, if you haven't seen it yet, there is the first of several exclusive videos from the grand opening on the Robert Dyer Channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srRFnk6OKIU

Second, an update on my Peanut Butter Fudge cupcake review: I can't believe I forgot to mention this, but inside the cake part is a large amount of fudge sauce, which makes it sort of like those molten lava chocolate cakes. It definitely made the cupcake worth $2.75.

And now...

My review of the Pumpkin Spice cupcake

I guess I chose the 2 flavors I did for a reason; I love anything peanut butter or pumpkin flavor. And there is plenty of pumpkin flavor in this cupcake. It is very similar to pumpkin pie, and rich in that regard. In contrast to the Peanut Butter Fudge, the cake part had a more pronounced buttery flavor. The frosting - ample as always - is Maple flavor. I like maple also, so that is a bonus.

A second bonus is the appropriate maple leaf decoration on top of the frosting. I actually thought this was some kind of metal decoration on top (you can see a picture of the cupcakes on my photos page at www.RobertDyer.net). So I took it off before eating the cupcake. But the maple leaf began to melt in my fingers, and is really made of chocolate. I would like to know the secret of how they make a chocolate leaf look exactly like it is made of copper or bronze. That's why Georgetown Cupcake has become so popular, I guess, with all of the attention to small details like that.

Plenty of frosting, and plenty of rich maple flavor. The swirl of frosting is perfect, too. Just look at the photo.

Cupcakes are a symbol of freedom in this country and this county in particular, with cupcake bans and Big Government dining rules adding up every day. Make a bold statement, and eat plenty of cupcakes.

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