Friday, January 29, 2010


Councilmembers Have a Stimulus Package for
Political Cronies that Grows Government...
...and the Budget

I suspect that you, like me, are wondering when you are going to get a bailout? When you are going to get some of that stimulus funny money?

Somebody's getting it, but it's not us!

Blue Ribbon panels and bipartisan commissions have always been a way that tired, incumbent politicians can give the appearance they are actually doing something.

Recent calls for a variety of experts, studies, and commissions in Montgomery County raise questions about the ability of our elected officials to do their jobs.

Council President Nancy Floreen has proposed creating a new bureaucratic body at taxpayer expense to supervise economic development (with heavy emphasis on "development," as Floreen is the largest recipient of campaign contributions from developers).

But we already know what stimulates real economic growth: less Draconian tax and regulation policies, high quality schools, and a functioning transportation system. Hey, 1 out of 3 ain't bad, right? Unfortunately, you need all three, and now the council has admitted that it is putting those high quality schools on the back burner. They've taken a new direction - a complete break with Montgomery County's traditions and values - in education.

They're asking for less money for schools, cutting programs and teacher salaries, and promising to crowd classrooms and expand the "trailer parks" outside of county schools. All to appease their developer buddies.

Anyway, back to the point: Economic experts, and the experience of the last 100 years, makes clear what we need to have in this county. So why do we need to pay a new government body, sure to be made up of the same old Democrat developer-friendly cronies, to tell us what to do?

And does this mean that Steve Silverman will be fired? After all, Mr. Silverman already holds the position that does what Floreen's commission supposedly will do. Does this mean they're saying Silverman can't do the job? I'd like to hear that discussion.

Either way, the council is sidestepping its obligations.

Now there is going to be a Duchy Trachtenburg development oversight office. Wait a minute. Isn't that what the Planning Board and Dr. Yes do already? Are they saying Dr. Yes and the Board and planning staff cannot do the job?

Then why are we, the taxpayers, paying the council, Mr. Silverman, and the Planning Department employees' salaries?

Don't forget, Ike Leggett is spending $100,000 to have a guy look at the new Growth Policy. Why didn't he just email it to me for free, so I could tell him it's a recipe for disaster, traffic gridlock, and overcrowded schools?

At some point, our elected officials either need to take action, or resign and let more qualified replacements take over.

In an abysmal economy, stimulating cronies, bailing out developers, and Growing Government is not a blueprint for economic growth.

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