Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Following up on the latest Comcast story... Is it any wonder that Comcast bills continue to be outrageously high, and customer service poor, if our elected officials are receiving perks such as the free TV time given to Attorney General Doug Gansler?

That's in addition to the usual fat checks our monopoly utitilites write to incumbent politicians. What exactly goes on inside our MoCo government's "county cable office?" We are experiencing the same problems we were 10 years ago, as even those with limited cable packages are paying big bucks. And constantly losing channels! For example, why in the name of Pete does the basic digital box cable seniors and low income residents were forced into upgrading to not include basic channels like MTV2, CMT, and G4? It's outrageous. And so were the lines I've been told those customers were forced to stand in at Comcast HQ in Shady Grove.

There is no legitimate competition, unless you are willing to give up county government channels, or give your entire telecommunications business to one company - or both.

That's thanks to our elected officials, who continue to do nothing about the abuse of the public by cable and utility monopolies, which exist in every city across the country.

This is the year to change that, by electing those who are willing to bring about change and introduce competition to stagnant markets that drain the average citizen's wallet.

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