Monday, February 15, 2010


Carr Tax Quietly Moving Towards Passage;
Most Residents Unaware of 5 cent per bag Tax

The Carr Tax, a 5 cent per bag grocery tax, is moving through the General Assembly without the majority of public knowing about it.

This punitive tax falls squarely on lower income residents, senior citizens, and large families. The rich have no problem paying 5 cents per bag, or buying costly reusable bags. So who are the victims here?

It's another case of greedy politicians robbing the poor in the state of Maryland. The entire 5 cents does not even go to cleaning the environment! I've asked the supporters of the Carr Tax to put their money where their mouth is: if you are sincere in your intentions, pay the citizens of Maryland 5 cents for either turning in a plastic bag, or for each resusable bag they use at the checkout.

Who has room to carry multiple, bulky reusable bags on their person all day? Do Al Carr and his wallet vacuuming friends in Annapolis and Montgomery County expect real people in the real world to go all the way home before stopping at the grocery store?

I'd like to hear the average soccer mom's reaction to this tax, and the idea that she must either pay 5 cents per bag, or drive the minivan/suv all the way back home, count out how many bags she needs, and then juggle those with everything else on the grocery trip.

Unfortunately, most soccer moms won't know this tax exists until they arrive at the checkout counter the day it takes effect.

Al Carr and other supporters of the grocery tax do not care about the financial hardship of the poor, or how much their radical policies complicate the already complicated lives of their constituents.

What they want is more money for the special interests. And more government control of your behavior.

Here is a great quote from George Will that directly applies to the motivations and legislators' attitudes behind the Carr Tax (not to mention just about every law passed by the Montgomery County Council over the last 8 years!!):

A century ago, Herbert Croly [was] contemplating with distaste
America's "unregenerate citizens," [and] said that "the average American individual is morally and intellectually inadequate to a serious and consistent conception of his responsibilities." Therefore, Croly said, national life should be a "school" taught by the government: "The exigencies of such schooling frequently demand severe coercive measures, but what schooling does not?" [These methods will be effective] if "the official schoolmasters are wise, and the pupils neither truant nor insubordinate."

Isn't it just like I've been telling you? That your elected officials believe "public service" means that you, the public, serve them.

It's time to show them, whose salaries you pay, who is in charge here. Contact your legislator, and tell them to oppose Bills H.B. 351/ S.B. 462 - or you will vote them out of office this November.

Let me make it super easy for you to avoid paying 5 cents per bag of groceries. Here is the website where you can directly contact your legislators and give them your 5 cents about the Carr Tax:

By the way, if you're a fellow George Orwell fan, check out the doublespeak title they've given the Carr Tax in all of their unlimited wisdom and intellect:

"The Chesapeake Bay Consumer Retail Choice Act"

That's right up there with "peoples' republic" and "democratic republic."

Contact your legislator today! And let them know that if they vote for the Carr Tax, they shouldn't assume their reelection is in the bag!





The same Washington Post columnist expanded upon his criticism of Google Buzz yesterday. It's strange that everyone else seems to be in favor of it. Once again, the article contained no mention that the Post's CEO sits on the corporate board of Buzz's main rival, Facebook.

Well, now you know, and of course, loyal readers already knew about that last week.

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