Monday, February 08, 2010


Decades Behind in Highway, Transit Projects,
Greedy Lawmakers Scheme to Raid MDOT Cookie Jar

You might not be surprised at this point, but another tax fraud is being perpetrated on the taxpayers of Maryland. Remember the O'Malley tax increases of 2007? (The Washington Post rarely does, as it executes its "Reelect O'Malley" campaign). We were told that this completely immoral and unnecessary 1% sales tax increase had a silver lining. That 6.5% of the revenue generated would go into an Al Gore Lockbox for transportation funding.

Strapped for cash they need to funnel to the special interests that got them elected, lawmakers - hiding behind their "budget analysts" - are quietly plotting to jimmy the lock on the lockbox. About $120 million dollars would be taken from transportation and put into the General Fund in 2013-14 alone..

Many of the same legislators are pushing bills that will exempt the Montgomery County Council from its $20 million fine for failing to fully fund schools for FY2010, and - unbelievably - seek to reduce MCPS funding in future years.

This comes at the same time as the county's decision to effectively dismantle its Ride On bus system.

And its apparent lack of funds for snow removal, because councilmembers had other political priorities.

The end result is that we are paying higher taxes and receiving less of the basic services we pay taxes for!

It's outrageous.

Call your legislators and tell them they're ripping you off. If 6.5 percent of the O'Malley sales tax isn't going to highway and transit projects, that 6.5% should be returned to us - the taxpayers - IMMEDIATELY. IMMEDIATELY! Failure to do so is a simple act of fraud that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

And if the Post and other organizations endorse these lawmakers again, you'll know their constant whining about transportation was a fraud, too.

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