Friday, February 19, 2010


Snowgate 2010 Continues as
County Council Leadership's Attempt at
Coverup Lessens Credibility

You know, I've said that our elected officials think the people of Montgomery County are too dumb to figure out what's going on. And then those same officials just keep making my point for me.

As overnight snow removal operations enter Day 3 to clean up the mess created by the collapse of county government after the first blizzard...

The same two leaders of that government - who, unbelievably, congratulated themselves after another failed snow cleanup last December - are now at it again!!

Everyone reading this in Montgomery County, who lives in the real world, knows that the last two weeks have been a miserable catastrophe, thanks to an utter failure to execute the basic functions of government by our county council and executive.

You know - from reading this blog, if nothing else - that the council and executive failed to plan ahead for the very real possibility that became reality: back to back blizzards.

Then, in an attempt to save money for what they felt were more politically-sensitive budget "priorities," they tried to wait out the storm, idling what equipment they had and failing to add additional equipment that should have been on hand in the first place.

Until you, the citizen started speaking out online, going over the mainstream TV and print media that were giving you official propaganda ("We're all in this together; neighbors helping neighbors; bringing out our best"), and changing the narrative.

Then government was forced into action, but the mess was so colossal by then, it will take us months to dig out at a massive cost to the taxpayer and county businesses (which lost millions, thanks to the council and executive).

So you know how bad it was, right?

Now read Council President Nancy Floreen's, and Council Vice-President Valerie Ervin's assessment of their response to the storms:

Councilmember Ervin says she gives the county government a
"very good grade"
for its snow cleanup effort. She added that government
"did a very good job."

Nancy Floreen said,
"I don't know what more could have been done."

They said it, not me!

Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot make up quotes better than the ones our elected officials keep putting out there.

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