Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Marc "No Developer Influence" Elrich and every one of his County Council colleagues voted to approve the White Flint sector plan.

Throughout the council's press release, it claims that infrastructure will be built, but never offers one single example of any such project. The fact is that there is over $1 billion of infrastructure necessary to even begin to support this plan, and that would still leave 355 gridlocked north and south of the White Flint "sector."

Once again, every councilmember showed they could be bought off.

And once again, this council puts the cart before the horse on new development. Note carefully that Councilmember Duchy Trachtenburg states in the PR that, "I look forward to working with my Council colleagues on the development of a sustainable financing plan for the White Flint plan area and a development coordination mechanism which will give comfort to our neighbors and the business community about infrastructure and financing issues.”

In other words, there is no "sustainable financing plan." Councilmembers got their donations, made the political payoff, and they'll get another check this year. That check will ensure 3 things: 1. Kick the can down the road again. 2. Make sure that the "financing plan" is laid on the backs of unsuspecting future White Flint residents with a Clarksburg-style tax. 3. Building will begin immediately, without the infrastructure.

At least they have Harris Teeter! Clarksburg and Rockville Town Center are still waiting for even one grocery store.

Interesting that well-planned, traditional commercial developments like Little Falls Mall and Damascus Centre both got brand-new, upscale Safeway stores.

What does that tell you about our council's foolhardy development schemes?

They think you're the fool. Prove them wrong in November at the voting booth.

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