Thursday, June 17, 2010


Democratic County Council At-Large
Candidates to Appear on Political Pulse
This Week... Again!

Republican Robert Dyer Still Not Invited to Appear

This week, Charles Duffy will welcome incumbent Councilmember George Leventhal, and challenger Fred Evans, to his program, Political Pulse. Both are Democrats, and this is Mr. Leventhal's second(!!) appearance on taxpayer-funded MMC 16's two politics programs (he appeared on Inside Out several weeks ago). Meanwhile, I have not been invited even once to appear, and still await my FCC equal time - now up to 60 minutes - on MMC 16.

It will be 60 minutes of softball questions, and no tough follow-ups to my answers.

But for this week, you'll have to settle for Leventhal and Evans. Leventhal voted for unsustainable spending for 8 years straight and played a leading role in destroying the County's finances; Evans was quoted in a local paper saying he would have handled the budget the same as Leventhal, et al. So it sounds like it should be a real debate on there, folks!

Yes, sir! A vigorous discussion of contrasts! Sharp disagreement! Opposing ideas! Philosophical differences that broaden minds, and advance the dialogue through civil discourse!

Just the sort of hearty debate you'll find each week on Political Pulse and Inside Out, where all the guests are Democrats.

People want to hear new ideas, not the same old excuses, Doublespeak, and self-serving revisionist history of the last 8 years.

So let's have a real debate. That begins by not only having candidate forums (all of the forums in May and June were cancelled to protect the incumbents), but by having equal time appearances on both Political Pulse and Inside Out by me, Robert Dyer.

Now that will be (equal) time for something completely different.

But if you can't wait for that, visit my own TV channel, and watch my video message!

And then join me, as we transform our government into one that serves the People, not the other way around! Elect Robert Dyer for fiscal responsibility, and to bring Change Beyond Belief to Montgomery County!

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