Tuesday, June 08, 2010


You've probably heard about the state of California's budget catastrophe. This is the state that had to issue IOUs, remember? California is in just about the worst fiscal shape of any state in the union. They've eliminated their welfare safety net, and are in the process of releasing prisoners just to save money(!!).

In fact, says Bruce Cain, a Berkeley political science professor, California is "America's poster child for fiscal recklessness," in a Washington Post op-ed.

So what would you think if Dr. Cain went on to tell you that our County Council is even more "reckless" with finances than California?

To quote Cain:

"Maryland's Montgomery County, home to about 1 million peoople, including a number of California's most prominent national critics, has a budget deficit of $1 billion. Based on California's population of nearly 36 million, if the state spent like Montgomery County, its deficit would be almost twice current projections."

Wow. Do you realize the significance of what he is saying? Everyone in America who follows national events would likely agree that the state legislature in California has been fiscally irresponsible in both creating, and addressing, its financial crisis.

So when an actual expert tells you that your county council is even more reckless and irresponsible with your taxpayer dollars than the "poster child for for fiscal recklessness," and that entire body is running for reelection...

...you are ready to vote for Change Beyond Belief. Elect Robert Dyer, and we can restore fiscal responsibility to Montgomery County.

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