Sunday, July 04, 2010


This past Friday, I presented the first detailed analysis of the Montgomery County Council's new fiscal "policy" to be printed anywhere.

But a story in the Sentinel newspaper just added the capstone to the council's folly, and the austerity package that wasn't!

As I mentioned Friday, the new policy does not reduce spending, fantasizes that there will be no shortfalls anymore (even while not reducing that aforementioned spending!!), calls for a questionable 10% reserves when we can't even pay for 6% right now, assumes there will be a massive increase in revenue, doesn't restructure government, and would require a gargantuan tax increase.

Here's the new twist, according to Paige Hill of the Sentinel:

"Compliance is not mandatory."

In other words, the whole thing isn't only smoke and mirrors, but mainly just smoke! Smoke, and an election year joke played on the taxpayers of Montgomery County.

If the spending guidelines (which aren't even delineated in the plan, which also has loopholes to be exploited by the council) are not enforceable, how would the plan have any effect?

How would spending guidelines overrule binding labor agreements signed off on by the council?

On this 4th of July, let's remember the values this nation and county were founded upon. Those included low taxes. And citizens serving a short time in government, not professional politicians who would make a career of taking the public's money and benefitting themselves and their political cronies.

This council is no better than you, the People of Montgomery County. In fact, you pay their salaries. You are the boss. They take orders from you, not the other way around - but you'd have a hard time knowing that, witnessing these folks in action.

Restore the values and fiscal responsibility Montgomery County was founded on this November! Before firing up the grill, going to the fireworks displays, or heading back out to the beach, can you watch this video message...

And then email it to 10 friends who live in Montgomery County?

We have it easy compared to our Founders, who had to risk their lives in warfare to exercise their freedoms and rights; all we have to do is organize ourselves, and get to the polls on November 2 to exercise and restore ours!

With one press of the touch screen, you have the power to transform our county government into one that serves the People, not the other way around!

Join my crusade today!

Visit to learn more, and to send me an email to join my mailing list and/or volunteer for my campaign.

You can also request a yard sign for your lawn. Ask your neighbors if they would like a yard sign, too!

Then help spread the word from your desk, TV chair or phone, by simply emailing my video message. And bring one person with you to the polls to vote on November 2!

Together, we will bring Change Beyond Belief to Montgomery County!

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