Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Exclusive Video!!!

Have you heard about the latest perk the Montgomery County Council is giving county employees? $7,000,000 worth of paid vacations, at taxpayer expense!

You can hear my comments on that by clicking here:

As part of their Oscar-worthy performance as overnight fiscal conservatives, the council is faking it better than Milli Vanilli. There's nothing they can do, it's the executive, they say. Yeah, just like it was Dr. Weast a few months ago. The fact is, with the exception of Duchy Trachtenberg and Phil Andrews, this whole council was just endorsed by the MCEA and/or the unions. Big surprise, then, that they are allowing the $7,000,000 of paid vacations to go forward, right?

Membership has its benefits, as they say.

It's amazing that they could not afford raises for police officers and firefighters in the budget, but can give out free vacations.

That's why I've proposed separating public safety employee compensation packages from those of other government employees. There is a higher level of benefit appropriate and deserved for those who risk their lives each day to keep residents safe.

But for non-public safety employees, there is no reason why they should be exempt from the pay freezes, furloughs, and 401(k)s that the taxpayers are dealing with right now. What the executive and council are suggesting, is that the white collar office worker in the private sector must go without more than he or she is now, to pay for gold-plated compensation packages for government employees doing the same job or lower.

Make no mistake about it. People in Montgomery County are hurting. The worst part, is that much of the pain has been inflicted by our county executive and council. Their historic Energy Tax increase has devastated working families, and is literally driving county businesses into bankruptcy.

They did this, and now they must be held accountable.

If you agree, please email my video to 10 of your friends. Visit my website at Request a yard sign for your lawn. Tell everyone you know to get to the polls, or use early voting, or absentee ballot, to vote for Robert Dyer!!!

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