Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I went to Leisure World yesterday afternoon for a candidate forum that was well-attended. It included candidates for County Executive, County Council At-Large and District 4, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Register of Wills, Sheriff and Board of Education.

This was the second debate in a row that had an audience of mostly "real" voters, as opposed to those where the audience was largely staff members of Democratic campaigns.

It was held in the Ballroom which has a huge chandelier. When it was my turn to speak, I focused on the issues important to seniors. I don't believe seniors are so much concerned about how many establishment groups have endorsed a candidate, as they are in knowing that the bus they take to the grocery store won't be eliminated by the council next week. Or that their Pepco bill won't double next month because the council passes an Energy Tax increase. Alas, the council actually did those terrible things. And this November 2nd is the citizen's chance to hold them accountable.

Now it appears to be official that another threat to the safety and well-being of seniors - the dangerous Ambulance Fee - will not be on the ballot this fall. It is now clear that the basic right of the citizen to take direct action through a ballot question has been eliminated. This is a dark turn of events. How can one petition for a recall of a crooked politician if all signatures and petitions will be struck down through an impossible-to-meet criteria? It appears that the political establishment knows that they are going to have to expand their current practice of governing against the will of the citizens. And are taking direct action to protect their radical legislation, massive tax increases and their own "divine right" to their offices from any and all challenges. They reflect a regional and national trend that smugly suggests you the citizen lack the intelligence to know what is best for you, or to understand the issues. Therefore, you should have no direct ability to decide major issues, and that power should reside solely in our wise, and all-knowing elected officials.

That should be of concern to all voters. It's time that we, the citizens, take "direct action" and elect a new County Council on November 2nd.

Voters I spoke to after the forum were concerned about the county's finances and failure to bring jobs to Montgomery County. Fortunately I have a plan for both of those, as you can find on my website at www.RobertDyer.net. The Fiscal Plan is actually in a video form, which you can review at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEyFD3XbOZs

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