Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Another www.RobertDyer.net Exclusive!!!

It's interesting, with the local media only covering the private, Democrat-only Montgomery County Council At-Large debates, that your taxpayer dollars are now being used to promote yet another private, Democrat-only debate!

Montgomery County Government is promoting an August 23, 2010 debate featuring only the Democratic candidates for the council at-large! And, it is going to be broadcast at further taxpayer expense on MC10, the Montgomery College Channel.

That sounds fair and ethical, doesn't it?

Whatever questions this particular debate and its promotion raise, the critical question ahead of us is (aside from when are the TV, internet and print local media going to start covering the debates when Republicans are included?!), will the League of Women Voters, the Montgomery County Civic Federation, Montgomery College Alumni Association and MC-10 sponsor and televise an equivalent debate - moderated by Lon Anderson of AAA, no less! - for the 8 General Election candidates for County Council At-Large before November 2nd?

There's a debate tonight, in Rockville, at Richard Montgomery HS at 7:00pm. The Republican candidates for council at-large have been graciously invited to participate. I, in turn, invite the Washington Post, Gazette, Sentinel, etc., to attend and publish stories about this debate.

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