Thursday, September 23, 2010


Another Exclusive!!!

Well, to hear the Gazette tell it, Hans Riemer is "expected to win" on November 2nd (!!). I'm looking forward to hearing the basis upon which such a statement can be made. As soon as I stop laughing, that is. Especially since a majority of Montgomery County Democrats, and all Republicans and independents, have yet to weigh in on Mr. Riemer's candidacy!!!

But opponents of Montgomery County's Ambulance Fee should certainly hope the Gazette is wrong. And they will be sorely disappointed if Mr. Riemer continues to coast his way into office, with the almost-surreal, easy support of the local papers and political machine. (Apparently, in Montgomery County, the media proclaims people as "frontrunners," but does not subject them to the extra scrutiny a frontrunner usually receives...)

This is because Riemer is waffling all over the place on the Ambulance Fee, while I have been solidly opposed to it from the beginning.

Just read the Riemer quotes from the Gazette piece:


"A resident who needs to call an ambulance clearly is in a difficult situation, and the county should not pass fees directly on to these individuals," [Riemer] wrote in the association questionnaire.
"Passing these fees directly on to nonresidents is wrong for the same reason, and because many of these callers work in Montgomery County and support our economy. Revenue recovery passed directly to patients is an idea I cannot support."


On Monday, Riemer said his position on the fees is clear: "I support ambulance fees when they are paid by insurance companies and oppose them when paid by patients."
On Andrews' anticipated bill to repeal the fees, Riemer said he would not comment on a bill that he hasn't seen.

Would you like a side of sausage with those waffles?

The latter quote describes the Leggett-Floreen-Leventhal-Elrich Ambulance Fee! That's their talking point: "insurance companies pay, not you!" So, Riemer is a solid vote for the Ambulance Fee.

Riemer was caught making promises he didn't intend to keep previously, when his union questionnaire statements conflicted with later comments in candidate forums. The media apparently doesn't have a problem with a candidate who changes his position on issues every five minutes, especially if they are a pro-developer, tax-and-spend Democrat.

But I suspect that you, the voter, do have a problem with that. Particularly with so many critical issues coming before the next council that affect your income, property value, safety and quality of life.

Are those areas of your life in which you want to gamble?

THE BOTTOM LINE: Robert Dyer is the only sure vote to kill the Ambulance Fee. No waffling. You know where I stand today, and you know where I'll stand if I'm elected and have the opportunity to vote to repeal this dangerous fee.

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