Monday, November 01, 2010


Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich has long claimed to not accept contributions from developers, and uses the slogan, "No Developer Influence."

The facts say otherwise.

First of all, Elrich has received a massive check from Realtors PAC - a development interest if there ever was one - and another from a real estate lawyer who has contributed to many other candidates.

Second, last September Elrich called for an impact tax cut for developers, even as he was approving tax increases for you, the taxpayer. He flip-flopped again during this election season, after hearing that I was calling for collection of impact taxes on all new development.

Third, do you agree it is possible for developer influence to take other forms besides checks? Yes! The vaunted Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce PAC endorsement - and corresponding check! - came from a group that represents numerous development interests.

What's so odd about the BCC Chamber's endorsement of Marc Elrich that makes it stand out?

Not only did Elrich vote for the 300% Energy Tax increase that destroyed small and large businesses countywide, but he favors rent control!

Can you imagine a Chamber of Commerce endorsing a candidate who supports rent control? It's happened. I'm sure any apartment building owners who pay dues to the Chamber are thrilled about that endorsement.

You know who else is probably not-so-thrilled?

The Bethesda Chevy Chase Rescue Squad. The BCC Chamber, in its questionnaire and interview, appeared to support and represent the squad's best interests.

So I wonder what the BCC Squad thinks of the Chamber's endorsement of Marc Elrich. Elrich not only heartily supports the dangerous Ambulance Fee (I oppose it), but... get this:

Marc Elrich is the only politician in the history of Montgomery County to attack the BCC Rescue Squad - he did so with harsh public criticism of the squad in 2007.

So why would developers, and developer-backing newspapers like the Post and Gazette, endorse a candidate with a record and agenda like Marc Elrich?

It's actually pretty simple.

First, Marc Elrich voted for both the White Flint and Science City sector plans. If anyone was really concerned about responsible growth, they would have stood up at that moment. Why did he vote YES! for both?

To get these endorsements, I submit. He now portrayed himself - as did a very sympathetic and supportive Post reporter, Steve Hendrix - as a "Man for All Seasons" during debate speeches.

Second, Elrich's Bus Rapid Transit plan has developers dreaming again about what they can do in places like Aspen Hill and Olney.

All they do is, put a BRT station in Aspen Hill, and suddenly those shopping centers become one, massive "high-density, mixed-use" urban "Town Center." And the existing businesses get run out of town (and we didn't even know it was a town!).

No wonder developers are lining up behind Marc Elrich.

This Man for All Seasons is a Man for All Development.

So don't be fooled. Robert Dyer is the candidate to vote for if you favor responsible growth. We can and should have growth. But we need the infrastructure to support it, and the burden can't be shifted to the taxpayer. We can grow in the White Flint area, but we need the Rockville Freeway and other projects to handle the resulting traffic volume.

Marc Elrich: No developer influence?

I'll buy that for a dollar.

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