Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Thanks to all who voted for me yesterday, and to all of the supporters who put out yard signs and distributed literature. And to my volunteers for dealing with the frigid temperatures of an Election Day frost.

I'm too exhausted this morning to do justice to the topics we need to discuss about this travesty of an election. No Republican candidate should feel badly about their campaign this morning. Republican candidates were robbed in this election. And, apparently, a lot of (supposedly) angry independents and Republicans didn't bother to vote yesterday. And many who did, didn't bother to do their homework on the candidates and issues.

I've never quit before, and I'm not going to start now. I'm going to keep working and advocating on the issues I have up to this point.

Marc Elrich, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal and Hans Riemer have little to be proud of this morning. They barely moved a muscle in this election; their Big Money contributors, and dear friends at the Washington Post, Gazette, Sentinel, Examiner, TBD, etc., etc. did all the heavy lifting for them. And they did it with a smile. Free campaign ads that reach voters countywide every day in those outlets for Marc Elrich, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal and Hans Riemer - good deal. Wish I could get in on that. No need to spend funds, or do the hard work of campaigning door-to-door like I had to. Just let the Post, Gazette, Sentinel, Examiner and TBD handle it all.

The half-dozen taxpayer-funded cable channels that the Democrats hijacked and used in winning this election apparently weren't satisfied that they got the job done. Oh, no, they're just getting started.

At your taxpayer expense, those "PEG" Comcast channels were airing Montgomery County Democratic Party spokespersons' absurd "commentary" on this election.

Instead of being gracious "winners," and acknowledging the efforts of Republican candidates, those spokespersons - some employed by your tax dollars - chose to pile on instead.

With sneers and derision, they - and others in the local media - are already telling Montgomery County that the Republican Party "couldn't field any legitimate candidates who could gain any support."

That is the biggest bunch of hogwash I've ever heard. It is a cover-up attempt to distract the public from the fact that the Post, Gazette etc. did not print one word about the Republican candidates all year beyond the obligatory profile before the election. NOT ONE WORD. And just the first example of how they continue to control the narrative of county politics in this new election cycle - because they won't let you, the citizen, know what the opposition has to say.

The reporters from the Gazette and Post were at the one, critical council at-large debate two weeks ago - and did not write stories about the debate! Unbelievable. In fact, all local papers provided only council-in-action stories in the final, pre-election editions. When there is no new input to change the election narrative... ...the narrative doesn't change. Slick strategy.

I demonstrated an extensive knowledge of the issues, the county government, and the facts and figures in debates and in the laughable "interviews" with the editors from the Post and Gazette. Many voters told me they were impressed with my grasp of the issues, and my detailed plans (while my Democrat opponents had no details at all about what they are going to do).

It's bad enough that you guys have to buy and steal elections with outsider/lobbyist money and total, iron-fisted control of the local media message (plus 6 of your own TV stations!) - don't make it worse by lying about the GOP candidates.

You can't stop lying about Republicans, but guess what - I can't stop telling the truth about you. So stay tuned for election analysis, and continued coverage of what's really going on in Montgomery County, that you can only find right here at

The idea that Montgomery is a "blue" county is a myth. It only retains Democratic control because the media controls the message from start to finish, and guess who controls the local media?

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