Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Park Patrol Officer Foils
National Mall Attack,
Nabs Suspect in Cabin John Park

Remember when some Montgomery County politicians said they wanted to eliminate the Park Police force to "save money?"

They planned to put the added burden of park safety onto our already-overtaxed county police. With so many cuts to the police budget in recent years, that would surely have meant reduced park patrols. Or taking county officers off their regular beats.

Today's news that a Park Police officer has apparently foiled a potential terror attack on the National Mall by nabbing the suspect as he readied his vehicle in Bethesda's Cabin John Regional Park has vindicated the Park officers and their supporters in the county.

Not only could some officers have lost their jobs under that proposed "merger" with county police, but there might not have been the manpower necessary at that hour last night to patrol Cabin John. Hence, lives were saved.

Here in Bethesda, we are certainly grateful to have our county and Park police on duty. Both forces are doing a great job even as their budgets, salaries and benefits have been cut in consecutive years.

And there has been an ongoing attempt to reduce retirement benefits for disabled officers despite all investigations showing no illegal abuse of the current disability system.

We'll be hearing more details about this heroic action by Park Police as the day goes on. But the lesson is clear: Bethesda and Montgomery County's safety - and that of the DC region - depends on our Park Police and county police. Let's not put the public at risk - saving lives outweighs saving money any day of the week.

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