Friday, December 23, 2011


Bethesda's upstart Mexican restaurant, Plaza del Sol, is pairing fine cuisine with Spanish music and dance tonight at 7 and 8 PM.

Guitarist Miguelito backs dancer Sarah Louisa. This is the second week in a row, so maybe this will become a weekly event at Plaza del Sol. Which would be great. I'm a Spanish guitar fanatic, but strangely, the only flamenco piece I've recorded is one of those B sides I've never officially released.

One interesting thing about Plaza del Sol is that they use mesquite wood from Mexico for cooking. It doesn't get more authentic than that! When I heard that, the first thing I thought of was the Copper Canyon train from Arizona to Mexico. The chefs bring logs aboard for their wood-burning stove. Mexican railroading is probably the most exciting in the world, because it is less regulated and they have so many classic locomotives in service.

While I'm on a Latin streak here, let me tell you about two great nights - tonight and Saturday night - at The Parva, on Woodmont Avenue. Tonight is a holiday (Navidad) theme, with DJ Blackstar and DJ Mike Miasma working the turntables. "Dress to impress," they say. Saturday night is a Colombian night with great music, cuisine by Chef Andy and the famous Colombian Mojito!


  1. It's me Miguelito, the flamenco guitarist you mentioned. Thank you for the shout out Mr Dyer! My photographer friend took some pics of the show which I'll publish in my blog at in a few days.

  2. As promised, here are the pics of the flamenco show at Plaza del Sol.
