Saturday, February 25, 2012


Bethesda Rhythmic Gymnast is Headed to
London's Summer Olympics

Another Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row Exclusive!!!

This summer, it will be that time again. Time for the Summer Olympics, which will be held in London this time around.

It's always been an exciting television event. But how exciting would it be to go to the Games in person? Better yet, how exciting would it be to be an Olympic athlete competing in the Games?

Bethesda's Julie Zetlin is about to do just that. Yesterday morning, she announced publicly that she will officially be representing the United States in Rhythmic Gymnastics.

Which means we have an actual Olympian here in our town.

Zetlin is most famous for winning 3 - count 'em: 3! - gold medals at the 2011 Pan-American Games in Mexico.

In fact, they're talking a lot about Julie Zetlin in Mexico over the last 24 hours.

Not only did Zetlin win the games held in Mexico, but Mexico's own golden girl, Cynthia Valdez, failed to qualify for London. As you can imagine, they are not pleased!

"Goodbye to the Olympic ticket," sobs the headline in The Informador. The article says that Valdez's biggest rival is "the American, Julie Zetlin." Who is going to London.

I'm kind of surprised the local media hasn't really picked up on this story yet. You know, it's kind of a big deal, folks.

This will put Bethesda on the international sports map, and certainly generate more interest in the Games around here.

And it will be a compelling story, Zetlin had knee surgery only last year. She is the only American competing in the sport. She is ranked as the best rhythmic gymnast on our continent, and faces several formidable opponents. Last but not least, no American has ever won a medal in this sport - not even a bronze!

That may be about to change.

You can be sure Bethesda will be following along, and you can follow her on Twitter at @JulieZetlin as she tweets from London this summer.

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