Tuesday, March 20, 2012




Not-so-"Desperate" Actress and Activist

Celebrates Birthday in DC with Help from

Elm Street's Fancy Cakes by Leslie

Another Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row Exclusive!!!

Activist and actress Eva Longoria was in Washington this week, and her birthday just happened to fall during her trip.

Rather than cancel her trip - which included her appearance as a national co-chair of President Barack Obama's reelection campaign - Longoria celebrated here in DC, at the swanky W Hotel near the White House.

And the birthday cake?

Her cake was custom-ordered from Fancy Cakes by Leslie, right here at Bethesda Row on Elm Street.

To see the cake yourself, click here

As you would expect for a star who sets flashbulbs ablaze on red carpets, and has fashionistas envying her latest wardrobe change, the cake design was anything but ordinary.

Longoria's busy schedule includes a repeat turn as executive producer and host of the Alma Awards this year.

Hopefully, next time around, she'll stop by the boutiques and restaurants of Bethesda Row.

After all, her role as an activist brings her often to Washington. And her official gig with the Obama campaign means she must be pretty tight with Michelle Obama, who has visited Bethesda Row several times.

That's right: an Eva/Michelle ladies' night at Bethesda Row, and our Commander-in-Chief finally stopping by Kraze Burger to try The Matiz burger.

Sounds like an Alma Awards weekend plan for Longoria, who might just want to stop by Fancy Cakes by Leslie for some baked goods to go.

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