Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Another Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row Exclusive!!!

As was first and exclusively reported on this blog, the Bethesda Row Apple Store is currently closed for secret "renovations."  

In these exclusive pics taken Monday, you will notice the classic matte black storefront coverings that are an Apple trademark.

Monday evening, I saw contractors carrying plywood into the front door.  Inside, I could see plastic coverings over everything.  The big question, of course, is what are they doing in there?  Yesterday, I suggested some of the possibilities based on recent closures of this length at other Apple stores.

The most intriguing fact so far?  I checked the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services records, and there are no permits applied for, or issued to, the Apple Store's Bethesda Avenue address.  So, unless they're getting special privacy treatment from the MoCo government (which would raise questions itself), the renovations do not involve anything the county requires a permit for.  Hmm.  Is that even possible?  I guess we'll find out this weekend.

Apple isn't talking.  The company is known for its secrecy as much as for its incredible products.

The store reopens Saturday.

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