Friday, April 27, 2012



Just a quick note on Passion Fin - the new sushi reataurant opening this year at the Shops at Sumner Place, on Sangamore Road in Bethesda.

As you recall, Passion Fin had been scheduled to open early this year, but the renovations of the former clothing boutique stalled out during the winter.  Week after week, month after month, the same window coverings, dumpster out front and exposed ceiling remained static.

But when I passed by on Tuesday night, although the windows remain covered (normal for any restaurant before it opens), the dumpster is now gone.

There is now some kind of white molding, around angular arched openings near the front of the restaurant.  It's dark in there, and you can only see what is visible at the top of the front windows above the coverings.

So I don't know if that is part of the final design, or simply a stage in the renovation.

In any case, the opening is highly anticipated.  My guess is we're talking about a June opening, if I was a betting man.  But who knows?  Maybe they're getting close to done behind the coverings, and we'll hear something sooner.

Stay tuned!

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