Tuesday, September 04, 2012


The TV stations are hyping the closure of part of Woodmont Avenue as an end-of-summer Apocalypse.  But even worse, they got the date wrong.

Many outlets are reporting that Woodmont Avenue between Bethesda and Miller Avenues will close today.  But last Friday, Ken Hartman of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Services Center said the closure would actually be September 7, which is this Friday.  Hartman is "The Man" when it comes to county government-related actions in downtown Bethesda -  if he doesn't know about it, it's not likely to be happening.  Since the county is a partner in the subterranean public parking garage that will be built during the street closure, Hartman's schedule is as close to official as it gets.

Plus, I was around that intersection last night, and nothing was in place for a closure.  Now, maybe some hard hat guy will blow a whistle, and run across Woodmont with a roll of police tape during rush hour.  But barring some rush job like that, I think it's safe to say it's not closing today.

Beyond that, the effects of the closure are being blown out of proportion.  The worst thing - closure of Lot 31 and 31A - has already happened.  Compared to Parkmageddon, the Woodmont closure is going to have far less impact on Bethesda Row businesses.  It's also not going to affect traffic on the Beltway or around the county, although you might think otherwise from the hype we're hearing.

There are three main impacts that are worth monitoring during the closure.  First, it is certainly going to slow traffic around the "block" of Bethesda Row.  But then, traffic already is slow around Bethesda Row.  The difference is that people used to "split the difference" when heading to 355:  some used Bethesda Avenue, and some used Woodmont.  Now 100% of those drivers are going to use Bethesda.  Combined with the impact of that on the already-frustrating Barnes and Noble intersection, that is going to lengthen travel times around the Row.

Second, the impact on Wisconsin Avenue will be that same issue; there could be backups during rush hours at the Bethesda-Wisconsin intersection.  Whether that slows traffic flow along 355 is going to be interesting (can it get any slower?  It's faster to walk during rush hour).  Conversely, no one will be making a left turn onto Woodmont from westbound Bethesda Avenue.

Third, there is a minor public safety issue, in that firetrucks answering calls will have to take an additional 10-20 seconds to turn down Bethesda Avenue, rather than using Woodmont.  They will also have to pause for oncoming traffic at one additional intersection of 355.  I'm sure these sorts of things have been coordinated with public safety officials in advance.

So, delays won't be surprising, but this is not going to be the end of the world.  The main thing is, with the closure being later this week, everyone will have a few days to readjust to the post-summer traffic congestion, before this monkey wrench hits the works.

Frankly, closing Woodmont for 2 years is one of the craziest ideas I've ever heard of.  But as they say in business school, "It is what it is."


  1. Anonymous5:29 AM

    "'m sure these sorts of things have been coordinated with public safety officials in advance." Aren't you the optimist. :P One might have thought they'd have coordinated parking for a new post office in Bethesda. *coughs*

    1. It's possible there was a hint of sarcasm when I typed that sentence...
