Thursday, September 20, 2012


The Woodmont Avenue pedestrian detour I wrote about last week  has been permanently sealed off now by Clark Construction, according to Jane Mahaffie of Stonebridge Associates.

Mahaffie says the closure took place Monday, September 10.  I cannot dispute that, because I did not physically go up to the path every day last week.  However, I did check it every night from the Barnes and Noble corner to see if lighting had been added, just not close enough to see that it had been fenced off.  The idea that civilians would somehow just know - through ESP? - that the pathway would close at a later date, is naivete on the developer's half at best.  You can't blame citizens, if you fail to inform them.

Overall, the Woodmont Avenue shutdown operation went like clockwork, and was very impressive.  I just think the question about this pathway fell through the cracks.  All along, I've had lists of the many "moving parts" involved in this project - what's to be done, and when.  Nowhere was it mentioned specifically how pedestrians would access buildings south of Bethesda Row via Woodmont.  Then this detour appeared.

I stand by the points made in my post.  If you examine the photos, you can clearly see that the fencing - and the fact this was left open - very neatly defined a detour.  Many people were using it that weekend.  So many, that it took time to get the photos, waiting for pedestrians to get out of the way for clear photo shots.  And while it was open, it was unsafe at night.  If the pathway was really not a pathway, it should not have been made to resemble one, and never should have been left open.  That was an invitation for trouble, and it's just fortunate nothing happened along there.

The other issue is, this closure really places a burden on those trying to live a car-free lifestyle around Bethesda Row.  One must take the long way via Wisconsin Avenue.  This minor point was not really emphasized in the pre-closure public relations.

On the bright side, we are two weeks closer to getting our 900-space parking garage!

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