Sunday, February 10, 2013


The developer of a future mixed-use building on the site of the Arlington Road Bethesda Post Office has formally requested a demolition permit from Montgomery County.

Demolition of the former USPS facility will add to the dust and noise of construction in the Bethesda Row area.  Along with excavation, demolition will require heavy truck traffic in and out of the property, on already-busy and cramped Arlington Road.

Who needs a functioning post office, when we can have more multifamily housing for millionaires, right?

Yeah, okay.


  1. I would have liked to see a more functional post office. That building sat so oddly because anyone who went into the post office felt like you were going in from the back entrance. AKWARD! If it's mixed use, maybe have the post office occupy part of the retail level...

    1. Unfortunately, the USPS announced last year that it had no intention of leasing space in the future building. So unless citizens and the media put big pressure on the politicians who let this happen, we're stuck with the 6900 Wisconsin Ave. post office debacle. Whatever shortcomings the Arlington Road site had, at least we had parking - and accessibility for seniors and those with disabilities.

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I wonder why they didn't incorporate a post office into the development.

    The Phoenix condo in Clarendon was built a few years ago with a post office as part of it.

    1. I believe the developer of the Arlington Road project offered space for the post office with just that intention in mind. But then the USPS announced at the last minute that they were not going to lease in the new building, which was a shock. Hence, we end up stuck with this 6900 Wisconsin Avenue mess. The Phoenix is a nice building, by the way.

  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    @Anonymous, you are dreaming. There are no public amenities in any new developmengs in the county. No libraries. No parks. No post offices. No schools. You elected the county councilmembers who approve these developments and developer-driven master plans. This is what you get. The council members get loads of cash in the form of campaign contributions. You get this. Next time please remember when you vote not to vote these peopke into office again.
