Tuesday, March 05, 2013


With the first significant storm since Sandy approaching, make sure you're also following me on Twitter at @BethesdaRow to get additional updates around the clock.

Twitter has made changes to its search functions that favor users who pay them in recent months.

This has made it very difficult for me to gain new followers since then. People - most especially mobile users - are not finding my Twitter account as easily, and sometimes not even my tweets, in the search engine. For someone who has the #Bethesda hashtag in every tweet, it's very strange that people searching for Bethesda-related tweets or accounts suddenly are having trouble finding mine.

So every new follower helps! And if you can spread the word to your neighbors, or friends who come to Bethesda to work or go out at night, that's even better.

Thanks to each one of you who read this blog for your continued support.

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