Monday, May 19, 2014


A serious pedestrian safety issue continues on Fairmont Avenue in downtown Bethesda. Both sidewalks have been closed to pedestrian traffic over the last week, leading pedestrians to enter the roadway. Other potential customers of businesses on Fairmont (between Norfolk Avenue and Old Georgetown Road) may be discouraged from going down there at all. Eventually, a makeshift pedestrian route was set up.

However, several readers contacted me to say that route has been blocked by construction equipment/objects at times, essentially closing Fairmont to pedestrian traffic again. This was the case when these photos were taken Sunday, May 18. Particularly with all of the talk about pedestrian safety in county, it's shocking to see this go on as long as it has. To top it off, the taxpayers could end up getting stuck with the legal bill, if someone falls along here trying to get through.


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Pedestrians literally get routed out into the middle of the street currently. As the photo shows, there's only one lane for traffic. A lot of heavy equipment, large trucks, etc.
    Very dangerous situation.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    It is outrageous that a public street has essentially been shut down for the benefit and convenience of private developers. This would never happen in New York. I live a block away and find myself walking in traffic on Fairmont every day. A very dangerous situation and a law suit is sure to result at some point.
