Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Whatever preparations you make for severe weather - make them tonight. A powerful line of violent thunderstorms is expected to reach the Bethesda/DC area Wednesday afternoon. Heavy winds, strong lightning activity and heavy rainfall have the potential to cause damage and flooding across the region. This would be a good time to ensure your gas tank is at least half-full, balcony or outdoor furniture is secure or brought indoors, and to prepare for potential power outages.

This line of storms has already killed at least two people in the southern United States, and caused tremendous damage there. Stay tuned here and at @BethesdaRow on Twitter for updates.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    That's funny. The Post Capital Weather Gang says severe thunderstorms might not even happen.

    Also you look like a dork you alarmist hack.

    1. I would be delighted if the storms didn't happen. This was the forecast when the post was written.

    2. Wind gusts of 58+ MPH and tornado warning potential are the latest predictions, which fits my initial report, and makes your blue skies-and-78° forecast seem laughable by comparison.

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The "Weather Gang" don't have a great record.
    Thunderstorms aren't the only potential
    problem. Heavy downpours cause havoc in this area.

    Meanwhile, Anonymous is drooling over his signed Doug Kammerer photo.

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    LOL. At least Doug Kammerer is, you know, A CERTIFIED METEOROLOGIST.

    You can't possibly claim I should get my weather news from Robert Dyer, "a Bethesda blogger and musician," as the Washington Post described him today.

    1. 12:37 You must be the same guy who said that 2 years ago. With other local sites reporting weather, you've got a lot of typing ahead of you.

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Bob is reporting what could hit us tomorrow. Better to be prepared. If it rains at all, traffic will be a mess and there will be flooding.

    Kammerer is a certified Ken doll.

    1. 12:41 Yes, I can't imagine what sane person wouldn't want a heads-up to prepare for violent weather tomorrow. The unusual conditions and temperature spike over the last 24 hours clearly favor strong storms tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Well your friend Bob is an unemployed blogger.

    1. 12:44 Check iTunes.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Why do Bob's opponents hate musicians?
      Don't they know the arts enrich our lives?

    3. No surprise 2:45 - these are the same folks advocating massive urban development in the Westbard sector that would cause Wood Acres ES to lose its music room. They definitely lack appreciation of the fine arts.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Do you troll Prince of Petworth and other local blogs, or just this one?

  7. Woodmont1:01 PM

    Why all the hate for Robert's weather report?
    I've never heard so much negativity over weather.

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM


  9. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has not predicted we even have a slight risk of severe storms tomorrow. That said, it is still possible but it is remote. Given this, and that we are in October and not June, I would categorize phrases like "batten down the hatches", "ensure your gas tank is half full" and "prepare for potential power outages" as at least bordering on alarmist.

    1. That's not what I just heard on the 5:00 news, where an "actual meteorologist" totally backed up my report, predicting wind gusts of 58 MPH, and tornado watches. I stand by my report.

  10. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Personally, I find Al Roker to be the sexiest meteorologist. So, I trust him more than Bob. Al is never dorky, just sexy.

  11. Anonymous6:08 PM


    you also seem to have a photo of a flaming world trade center tower as the cover artwork of your "album" -- which was clearly recorded in your mom's basement over the pre-recorded tunes that you can pump out of an electronic keyboard

  12. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Robert---if you feel the local news' weather is more reliable than the National Weather Service, who are fear mongering for ratings just like you are, than your weather credibility truly is next to nothing.

  13. 8:30: I guess we'll find out in the afternoon whose forecast was correct. For the record, I did not use the TV weatherman's report as the source for this article. I simply said his predictions back up my warning about dangerous storms. Now you not only have to bring your negative comments to the other local websites talking about weather, but also to the TV stations. It sounds like you have the time.

  14. 6:08 PM Anonymous, I READ YOUR COMMENT AND YOUR CAPS LOCK BUTTON IS ON! There are a lot of things I don't like about the album you are referring to, but given the intelligence level of your comments on this blog, your musical critiquing skills can't be taken seriously. That album cover was printed 21 months before 9/11, if you had done your homework. Considering it was recorded at Avalon Sound Studio right here in Bethesda, you've just embarrassed your political faction again by criticizing local Bethesda businesses. This after you had the outrageous audacity to criticize the 9/11 remembrances by the Bethesda Fire Department and Clark Construction. Given your strange hangup about 9/11 (what's that all about, anyway?) you're a perfect George Leventhal supporter. George said defense spending should be cut in 2011. Al Qaeda and ISIS agree with George Leventhal.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      How did politics and ISIS get into a response about a music album cover?

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Relevance, Bob, relevance. Don't get dragged down by idiot commenters. No need to respond with unrelated spoutings that make you sound a bit daffy. :)

    3. 10:59: Very simple - this anonymous troll belittled the 9/11 remembrances of the downtown Bethesda community. He then criticized yet another local business. I don't think anyone who reads the full comment stream will be confused as to what I'm responding to.

    4. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Obviously this guy is just trying to get your panties in a bunch - and it seems to be working. Stop stooping to his level. Your responses just make it worse.

  15. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Why do Bob's opponents hate musicians, the arts and Bethesda small businesses?

  16. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Why do Bob's opponents hate musicians, the arts and Bethesda small businesses, but love Al Qaeda and ISIS?

  17. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Thanks for the heads up. I recently moved here and it's easy to forget how much havoc a thunderstorm can raise with the electrical grid down here. Montgomery County might be one of the wealthiest counties in the country but when a strong wind blows through it sure doesn't seem that way.

  18. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Tornado warning until 1pm. Must be more of that "fear mongering" from the media that anonymous warned us about yesterday.

  19. 10:44 Back again with your highly-intelligent and mature "STFU" statement. Boy, George and Hans sure hang around with a classy bunch of political operatives. How am I a "failed musician?" I've always been signed to independent labels, not majors. You're not going to go platinum on a small label, so how have I failed? You're just an anonymous troll posting nasty comments on a blog.

  20. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Robert, what do you do for a salary?

  21. Anonymous1:28 PM

    WHY won't Dyer address how he is funded? Where does your living stipend come from? How do you fund your political activity.


    1. I've never spent over $1000 in any of my political campaigns. You should ask Hans Riemer why Wall Street tycoons and K St. lobbyists are funding the bulk of his massive war chest. Some should indeed investigate!

  22. Anonymous1:38 PM

    no flood warning, no thunderstorm warning and a cancelled flood watch

    thanks for the heads up man, hope you didn't lose your umbrella in this rough storm!

    (might want to re-calibrate your radar monitoring systems for the next forecast)

    1. 1:38 People in Laurel would strongly disagree with assessment. You've got thousands of websites and TV weather folks to badger now. Start typing.

  23. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Anonymous had better admonish Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service for all of their work and warnings today!

  24. Arlington3:11 PM

    Are there any openings in the public relations/paid troll business? I shall attempt to draw a salary from that.

  25. Anonymous4:43 PM

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