Thursday, November 27, 2014


Maryland Governor-elect Larry Hogan and his wife, Yumi, have released the following Thanksgiving Day message to residents of the state:

My fellow Marylanders,

As we traveled the state over the last few years, we were privileged to meet many thousands of Marylanders from all walks of life, in cities and suburbs and on farms, young families just starting out and retirees, skilled tradesmen and professionals.  Nearly without exception, the men and women whom we met along the way were grateful to call themselves Marylanders.  For whatever their individual challenges and circumstances, they believe that if we work together—across the lines of party, geography, income, and race—we can change Maryland for the better.  And we will.

As we enjoy our Thanksgiving meals, let us not forget our obligations to the farmers and watermen whose hard work produces our food and those who bring it to market, and the vital work of restoring our economy so no one goes hungry.  And as we gather with family and friends this holiday season, let’s not forget those with empty seats at their tables for loved ones serving our nation abroad, or those who gave the last full measure of devotion for our freedom and liberty.  

In giving thanks to our Creator for our blessings, for our great nation and a beautiful state, I am profoundly grateful for the trust Marylanders have placed in me as their next governor, and keenly aware of the hard work and challenges that lie ahead for my administration, our colleagues in the legislature, and the state employees whom I will soon be honored to call co-workers.

In closing, we wish you and your family health and happiness this Thanksgiving.

Your friends,

Larry and Yumi Hogan


  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Any Democrats saying Happy Thanksgiving as well? Or just the Republican message? Bob is a media outlet so unbiased in his news coverage. Would love to see the official releases of more MD officials.

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Given that he's not actually in office yet, and that he's certainly not "hyperlocal", it seems an odd choice..

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Is Dyer a Republican?

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM

    If Not-Yet-Governor Hogan held a press conference in which he called for Hans Rimmer to be charged with high treason...

    ...but he gave that press conference at Pike & Rose, in front of the iPic Theater, would that story be reported here?

    Interesting little dilemma...
