Sunday, December 28, 2014


Perhaps the most anticipated gym opening in the area since Equinox at Bethesda Row, Sport & Health at Pike & Rose is still a work in progress.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Are you going to get a Gym membership there Bob?

    I heard that it is supposed to open on January 15th - doesn't look like it to me.

    Is this a gym only for Rich people like Equinox?

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    "Rich people" ?? Really ?? Equinox costs $147/mo. That may be higher than other gyms, but that amount is hardly exclusively affordable to "rich people"

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I'll take $20 per month, please. $150 is not by any means affordable.

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      $147 is nuts. I can't afford that!

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Anyone paying that much money for a gym is richer than most. Or is a fool with their money.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Oh dear, 2:29, did you forget to take your meds again today?

  4. Robert Diller6:08 PM

    $147 a month is insanely expensive by any measure.

  5. Anonymous7:40 AM

    1:41 is a deluded fool. I wish we could throw rotten food at him.

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    lol @ 1:41.

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I think it depends on how important it is to you. I go to Equinox 4 or 5 days a week for 2 hours at a time, and I love it. I've been a member at WSC and S&H and Equinox is easily worth it to me over those gyms.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

      \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
      \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 What does equinox provide for 7-8 times the cost that the others don't? Curious, no animosity in that question. }

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      What does Equinox provide for 7-8 times the cost of a budget gym?

  8. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I join the rest in saying that $147 a month is insane. I pay $29 per month for Fitness First (I've been a member since it opened) and I can't possibly see what could make another gym worth FIVE TIMES as much as that.

    Just another example of the fine art of separating fools from their money.

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Which Gym around Bethesda has the most hot chicks?

  10. Anonymous9:19 PM

    For me, the location is key it's half a block from my home and even closer to my office. They have excellent/new equipment which they keep very well maintained and functional and upgraded, very clean facility, excellent layout, huge windows around the entire floor (not a cave), and probably equally as important as the location: it never gets so busy that I have to wait for more than 10 minutes for a squat rack (which is a function of price), even if I go during peak hours. I could go on but that covers the bulk of it....

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      So really location is what you are paying a premium for. If it was another brand at $20 you'd do that instead?

  11. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Just to drive home the point about location: Equinox is 2 minutes away from me. I go there at least 15 days a month. If I went to a gym that's 12 minutes away from me (which is very generous), I'd spend 20 minutes a day getting there and back, or 5 hours a month. I bill my work out hourly. So in order to recoup the extra $130 that the gym costs me, I break even if my bill rate, factoring in taxes, is about $43/hr as a 1099. And that's just location. Forget about how much it costs me if I have to wait 35 minutes for a squat rack at Washington Sports.

    1. Anonymous10:46 PM

      I get that sure, but to use your billing rate is a gross misunderstanding of opportunity cost.

  12. Anonymous11:11 PM

    @10:45 -- Yes, the location is key for me. It was a WSC before it became an Equinox and I was a member then as well. But as I mentioned, I also benefit from the fact that the cost keeps the place from getting too crowded. In turn, the savings in time is a net win for me. If I didn't live so close by, or if I wasn't there so often, or if I my training allowed me to swap out equipment (squat rack, benches, etc) with more flexibility, or if the gym was crowded despite its cost, then the cost/benefit would break down. As it is, and as it has been for the past few years, it makes much more sense for me to pay the extra $120 in exchange for the time it saves me. Time is money. And I am not rich.

    1. Anonymous11:47 PM

      Well if that's where you want to live and it's the only gym available right there and it costs $150 and you can afford it all - kudos to you. But it's still overpriced by any means.

  13. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Dude fuck 1:41 ... Burn in hell mfer!

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