Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Maryland Governor Larry Hogan continues to make bipartisan overtures toward Montgomery County, this time in another personnel decision that retains one of MoCo's most-prominent Democrats in his administration. As first reported by Maryland politics blog Seventh State, Hogan is keeping Kensington Mayor Peter Fosselman as Deputy Secretary of State.

Fosselman has served in the role for nearly four years, and has been Mayor of Kensington since 2006.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    So far, Hogan has done a good job of reaching across the aisle and working with those who otherwise could have been his adversaries, and has moderated some of his more extreme positions to match that of those of the general population of the state.

    Maybe you could learn something from him.

    1. 6:55: I've already done it, having brought various issues to Democratic councilmembers like Blair Ewing and Mike Knapp for assistance in getting them solved.

      Which of my positions are "extreme"? Universal Pre-K? Transportation improvements and building long-delayed infrastructure projects? Bringing large firms with high-wage jobs to the County? Affordable housing? Closing the MCPS achievement gap? My agenda doesn't fit your claim of extreme, and is very much in-line with the average MoCo resident.

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "My agenda doesn't fit your claim of extreme, and is very much in-line with the average MoCo resident."

    But apparently not with the average MoCo voter.

    1. 9:31: "Anger and victimization at the loss of absolute power to control your message." - Jon Stewart

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "Transportation improvements and building long-delayed infrastructure projects?"

    Except that the people of Montgomery County have rejected those freeway projects, for four decades now.

    "Affordable housing?"

    Except that banning construction of new housing in already-built-up areas isn't going to reduce or even maintain the cost of housing, it will increase it.

    1. 11:04: BS. The only freeway that was ever brought to the design and construction stage for public approval was the ICC (and it's hardly a "free"-way), and it was NOT rejected by the public. It was built.

      I never proposed banning new housing in places like downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring, where you have an edge city and a Metro station.

      But such development in a suburban residential area like Westbard is completely inappropriate. Infinite growth neither possible nor sustainable - why do you have such difficulty accepting that? At some point there won't be more space for people in Montgomery County. What will you do then? Seize land? Build underground homes? The ladders will have to be pulled up, and for Westbard and the Whitman cluster, it's time to pull up those ladders.

  4. Anonymous1:16 PM

    And then he cut education in MoCo, and the other areas of the State that didn't vote for him.

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM

    "I've already done it, having brought various issues to Democratic councilmembers like Blair Ewing and Mike Knapp for assistance in getting them solved."

    I don't know of what was actually "solved", however accusing the Council President of "calling for Montgomery County to secede from the state of Maryland", certainly isn't going to solve anything.

    1. 1:23: If you don't think government officials should be held accountable for their comments and actions, North Korea or China might be more your speed.

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    @ 4:50 PM: if you think that irresponsible bloggers should not be held accountable for attributing fake and slanderous "quotes" to public officials, then Breitbart might be more your speed.

    Let's see if you can produce a real quote. You've had several days to do so.

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    anonymous @5:28pm... "fake and slanderous"...sounds like all of the personal attacks Dyer deals with on here from the anonymous creeper.

  8. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Wait, I thought you had to be sworn in to be a Deputy Secretary? I was under the impression that there was never any official appointment or anything for the three guys they had there that were called Deputy Secretary.

  9. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I don't know what Leventhal's big county plan is, but why is he pissing all over rural agricultural areas of Maryland to make his point?
    We can't be a sustainable community without our Maryland farms. He isn't representing the views of MoCo residents and I wish he'd stop it.

  10. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "What will you do then? Seize land?"

    No, just allow property owners to use their own land as they see fit, and respond to market conditions.

    "Build underground homes?"

    LOL, that was dumb. Try the other direction - i.e., high-rises.

    "Westbard and the Whitman cluster, it's time to pull up those ladders."

    Or the school system could be expanded in the more heavily populated areas. It's odd that scenario never occurred to you.

    1. 2:33: On what multi-acre land in the Whitman cluster would you build a new ES, MS and HS. What is the plan to add capacity to River Road?

      I said after you turn all the shopping centers and gas stations are turned into luxury apartments, where will you add more people in your fantasy of infinite growth? Underground is all that's left, unless you reveal your real intention, which is to bulldoze the single-family home neighborhoods. Oops.

      We know they're scrambling behind the scenes to come up with some fig leaf school proposal for Westbard. I'm 100 steps ahead of them.

  11. Anonymous4:30 AM

    "bulldoze the single-family home neighborhoods."

    Simply allow the owners to develop the property as they see fit, and respond to market conditions. For an example, see Arlington's Courthouse neighborhood.

    "Underground is all that's left"

    That was dumb the first time, three times as dumb the second time.

    Why do you keep using the phrase "infinite growth"? It's not all-or-nothing, black-or-white. There are numbers between zero (which is what you want) and infinity.
