Sunday, February 15, 2015


Hostess has two limited-edition cakes out now in stores, Red Velvet Cupcakes and Cherry Chocodiles. I found both at the Bethesda Safeway at 5000 Bradley Boulevard. The Red Velvet Cupcakes have the standard Hostess creme filling, while the chocolate-covered Twinkie Chocodiles are filled with a cherry creme.

Are Red Velvet Cupcakes an upscale notch above the old-fashioned chocolate and orange varieties? Are Twinkies better wrapped in chocolate?

Watch my review for the answers!


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

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  2. Anonymous11:06 PM

    You know, I was just wondering what some guy dressed in creepy camouflage thinks about boxed cupcakes; and poof, here it is! Power of "the press" is alive & well.

    1. 11:06: Hearing that the guy who criticized 9/11 displays around downtown Bethesda finds camouflage "creepy" somehow doesn't surprise me.

  3. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Gotta say the processed food reviews have travelled beyond kitchy to gross. Maybe not do those anymore?

    1. 5:36: What have I reviewed that is "gross"? The Peppermint Pringles are the only thing I recall that would fit that description, and I gave them one star. If you find Hostess cakes "gross," I venture to say you are in the minority of Americans with that opinion.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Thanks for the review of the cupcakes. They look good on the outside, but sounds like they didn't taste that great.. which is unfortunate as I like red velvet a lot.

    It's the state cake of MD isn't it?

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    "What have I reviewed that is 'gross'? The Peppermint Pringles are the only thing I recall that would fit that description..."

    LOL, love the high standards here.

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Frank is still waiting outside PizzaPass for them to open. Hope he doesn't freeze!

    1. 7:43: Does he have those special texting gloves, so he can post comments while he's waiting outside in the eternal wait for its Grand Reopening?

  7. Anonymous7:45 AM

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    1. 7:45: Well, considering you said you found tributes to fallen first responders on 9/11 as "lame," I'm not surprised you find camouflage "creepy." It's your comments on this post that are creepy.

      Keep in mind that when your identity is exposed, you could be facing a lengthy prison sentence for stalking and harassment for your ongoing comments on here. You've been asked to leave, and you proceed at risk of criminal and civil legal action.

  8. Anonymous7:49 AM

    @7:45 AM HuffPo, BuzzFeed and all the other news sites that cover the latest Oreo cookies and other junk food must be crazy too.

    Get over yourself, anonymous.

  9. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Pretty sure the only Americans that like Hostess Cupcakes are elementary school children. Sorry Robert but normal healthy adults do not eat anything like that.

  10. I'm guessing 10:24 AM won't be ordering a Pop Tart from Ted's Bulletin anytime soon?

    I don't always eat cupcakes, but when I do, they must be from Georgetown Cupcake.

  11. Steve D.12:24 PM

    "Sorry Robert but normal healthy adults do not eat anything like that.

    10:24 AM"

    Well, then they aren't real Americans, are they? Give me a creamy filling or give me death, as they say.

  12. Anonymous9:46 PM


  13. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Well, I grew Up (though not so "High")
    And shop at Whole Foods (and know why).
    Now, when I see a Camouflage,
    I pause, and shake that hand, Because.
    I know now what I did not know Then:
    That especially in a February storm,
    In the wee, stealthy hours of a glittering morn,
    A Bethesda home makes a good chocodile den!
    If there's a chocodile lurking in YOUR garage
    Then it's one that only a Chocodile Hunter can assuage.

    Robert Dyer, Chocodile Hunter Extraordinaire.

    Hostess says:  
    Be safe, Bethesda, on this snowstormy Tuesday.
    Nibble, don't knock, our Chocs.
    As for Robert: Rob Dyer rocks.
