Wednesday, February 11, 2015


McDonald's Old Bay Filet-O-Fish
sandwich box carries an Old Bay
sticker that replicates the iconic
seasoning's canister
It resembles an ordinary
Filet-O-Fish, but Old Bay
means this will be anything
but ordinary!
McDonald's is beginning its comeback campaign with the limited-time-only Old Bay Filet-O-Fish sandwich. Launching at the prime time for fish sandwiches, Lent, the officially-licensed Old Bay Filet-O-Fish will be sold at McDonald's restaurants in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore areas.
Old Bay has been added to
the tartar sauce
How did they get Old Bay into the sandwich? They mixed the legendary seasoning into the tartar sauce on top of the sandwich. The classic bun, Alaskan pollock filet and melted American cheese remain the same. It's been a five-star American classic since 1962. But now with Old Bay? Can this possibly go wrong?

Watch my World Premiere YouTube review of the Old Bay Filet-O-Fish sandwich to find out!


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    "How did they get Old Bay into the sandwich? They mixed the legendary seasoning into the tartar sauce on top of the sandwich"

    I predict a Pulitzer in your future.

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    My greatest hope is that one day, long in the future when humanity has passed from this Earth, that you will be immortalized for your hard-hitting journalism and third-grade literacy.

    1. 7:58: "Anger and victimization at the loss of absolute power to control your message." - Jon Stewart

  3. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "Hi Robert! Did I get your attention? Can you write me back? It would really make my day!" -anonymous 6:46 & 7:58. LOL

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    "NERRRRRRRRRRRRD" - Homer Simpson

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    From Sunday's "Hungry Man Fried Chicken And Waffles Dinner" review:

    "One of the biggest breakthroughs in TV dinners has arrived...the waffles have real maple syrup already applied, no separate syrup cup to remove, heat in a cup of microwaved water or any of that usual rigmarole when it comes to special sauces, gravies and toppings for frozen dinners. I don't mean they just have a baked-in flavor. They are actually sitting in maple syrup in the tray, with the fried chicken patties on top of them."

    From this morning's review:

    ""How did they get Old Bay into the sandwich? They mixed the legendary seasoning into the tartar sauce on top of the sandwich."

    To be featured in a future review:

    "How do those amazing boffins at Pop-Tarts get that jelly inside the pastry dough?"

    1. 9:17: Every major media outlet - The Post, The Sun, etc. has written about this sandwich. You sound like a complete moron.

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Troll eats fish, damn no bones.

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Huh? There are some really dumb comments on here. It's a food review. Ever watch YouTube before?? I suggest you check it out and then get back to me. Anyways, this looks like a sandwich I might want to try. It's nice to have a little bit of a different twist than just the regular fish sandwich.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "It's nice to have a little bit of a different twist than just the regular fish sandwich."

    Do you realize that if you actually did your own cooking, you would not need to wait for McDonald's or Hungry Man or whatever to "come up with something new"? You can just add a little Old Bay, or Maple syrup, or even both, or whatever, whenever the whim hits you. You don't have to wait for your corporate overlords to make that decision for you.

  9. Anonymous8:12 PM

    5:36. Gee, thanks. Actually I do cook most of the time but it's nice to have a break once in a while. I guess you never go out to eat... You sound like a lot of fun. Ok, time to get back to your kale salad and trolling Robert's blog...

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    You cook! Baaawhahaha. It's more like Howard Wolowitz from the Big
    Bang Theory, "Maa, fix me a sandwich". Try eating real food for a change, maybe your brain will function normally.

  11. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "Labels: Bethesda restaurants, McDonald's, McDonald's Old Bay, McDonald's Old Bay Filet O Fish, Old Bay Filet O Fish, Old Bay Filet O Fish review"

    Looks like someone has way too much time on their hands.

    "I guess you never go out to eat..."

    LOL, you make it sound like eating at Mickey Dees is the equivalent of clubbing.

  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Actually that sounds just like you, 8:18!! You don't know what you're talking about. Also to 9:15, I was responding to your idea of cooking your own food versus eating something from a restaurant or a frozen dinner. You talked about adding your own sauces or seasonings instead of waiting for your "corporate overlords" to make that decision for you. With that kind of thinking, you would never eat anywhere else but at home, and probably never look at a recipe since you're such a genius in the kitchen. Geez, what's so wrong with eating at McDonald's once in a while anyways?? Lighten up please!!! Contrary to what you think you're not better than everybody else.

  13. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Robert, I'd say this is a new low, but let's be serious, that bar is pretty damn low.

    Seriously, what kind of loser reviews TV dinners and fast food? Do you live in your mother's basement? I'm genuinely curious, because you really come across as a total closetcase.

    1. 12:22: You continue to embarrass yourself. The kind of losers who write about McDonald's Old Bay Filet-O-Fish include "losers" like the Post, the Sun, Fox News, Huffington Post and just about every other major media outlet. You sound like a complete moron, and a failed frat house bully. Was George Leventhal a "closetcase" for trying to secede from Maryland? I'm "genuinely curious," Mr. Dumass.

  14. Anonymous2:52 PM

    First, it's spelled "dumbass," dumbass.

    Second, I'm not even any of the previous comments. So you can add me to the top of the large list of people that think you're a tool.

    Third, those media outlets reported on the business take of it, not your usual TV-dinner-style review.

    Fourth, you're going to come up with something else but "you sound like a complete moron." Particularly since, you're the one reviewing TV dinners, and I think the significant preponderance of people trolling your blog shows a vast majority think you're a moron and closetcase of the highest order.

    I don't know George Leventhal, and I really don't care about him (seceding from Maryland? I'd go with asshat instead of closetcase). This is about you. This is about someone that has so little of a life that they spend their time reviewing TV dinners.

    I'm also genuinely curious, are you a virgin? I'm just wondering if you eat Hungrymans for the taste or because no self-respecting woman would be caught dead with you.

    1. 2:52: Reread your comment and tell me it wasn't creepy. By the way, it is Mr. Dumass in the old A&W ad I'm referring to. Check it out on YouTube, because it's one of the things that comes to mind when I read the comments section on here.

  15. Anonymous6:06 PM

    It has been said that the secret ingredient of Hungryman dinners, is single men's tears.

    1. 6:06: Yeah, that's some hot date you're on spending the whole night posting creepy comments on a food review. Was that from page 46 of "The Failed Frat Guy Joke Book"?

  16. Anonymous7:29 PM

    This stalker guy trolling you is pretty creepy. What a weirdo.

  17. Anonymous7:49 PM

    "Was George Leventhal a 'closetcase' for trying to secede from Maryland?"

    I see that we're back to this bullshit talking point again.

    1. 7:49: You notice how you haven't heard a word about the "Large County Caucus" from George Leventhal since his initial dog-whistle secession speech? I think he realized how it was sounding. Hopefully you'll realize it, too. "The People are in the Big Counties! [Insert Dean Scream here]"
