Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Red Stick Chicken arrives in Bethesda (Photos)

Popeyes launched a new menu item Monday, called Red Stick Chicken. The name comes from the ingredient the fried chicken tenders are marinated in - Tabasco sauce. The McIlhenny family has been  producing that sauce on Avery Island, Louisiana since 1868, and growing the cayenne peppers for it there, as well. It is from the growing process of those crops that the Red Stick name comes from.

In monitoring and harvesting the peppers, employees use a wooden stick painted the exact shade of red that the fruit must be to meet McIlhenny standards for ripeness. The baton rouge is known in English as "the Red Stick."

Tabasco flavor and heat is met by an equally-spicy Smok'n Pepper Ranch sauce, also new this week at Popeyes. The meal is completed with a serving of Popeyes' famous fries and Southern-style biscuit.

How hot is the Red Stick Chicken, and how does it taste? Watch my review to find out!


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Why would you post such an embarrassingly bad picture/frame of yourself on your own blog? It boggles the mind.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Lighten up a bit. If funny photos were so bad, BuzzFeed wouldn't exist.

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 12:36: It's a still frame from the video while I am speaking. That you find disabilities something to mock and joke about shows what a despicable individual you are. Try to control your hate speech.

  3. Steve D.2:24 PM

    It's an honest photo for an honest blog. Would you expect anything less?

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    @11:22 - I'd agree that it's funny but this is one of those cases where it's just not funny cause it wasn't meant to be! It's like laughing at the pants-on-your-head window-lickers riding the short bus.

    1. 12:36, 2:53: I'm appalled at your continued bigotry against the disabled. You even think that suggesting someone is disabled who isn't is humorous, because you apparently find such conditions to merit ridicule and hate.

      Alas, there's nothing humorous about you perpetrating a hate crime in the comments section. You could be reported not only to the appropriate authorities, but also to the County human rights office for what you have posted here.

      And you say you're a supporter of Hans Riemer and George Leventhal? I suggest they choose their "friends" more wisely.


  5. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Uhm. I get the impression you think I'm someone?... or something? I have no idea what you're talking about, actually. Mr. Dyer, it's somewhat ironic that a person who writes (for a living?) has such poor reading comprehension skills. Please reread what I wrote and concentrate this time before simply flying off the handle.

    1. 6:13: Which comment was yours, the one that said I was disabled as an insult, or the one that used the term "short bus"? You're saying one or both of those was actually a positive comment? Please enlighten me.

  6. Anonymous7:51 PM

    You have to hope that someone who makes fun of the disabled isn't in any position of responsibility or authority (in the public or private sector).

  7. Anonymous8:15 PM

    My comment is the one in this post where I used the term "short bus" to describe something that ISN'T funny. But then again, generally speaking, if you have to explain why something IS funny it usually isn't, and if you have to explain why something isn't funny it usually is. So I'm not sure where that leaves us. Bouncing down the road in the short bus, perhaps?

    1. 8:15: You compared laughing at my photo to laughing at disparagingly-described disabled children on a "short bus". I'm still not getting how that is a positive comment.

  8. Creepy commenter guy is at it again, now there's a real April fool for you! 😜.
