Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Urban Heights installs sign in Bethesda (Photos)

The permanent sign is up at Urban Heights, the new concept by Chef Robert Wiedmaier's RW Restaurant Group that is taking over the rooftop space vacated by Roof. That space takes up the top 2 levels of the Norfolk-Cordell II building at 7940 Norfolk Avenue.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    If a four-story building fronting a sidewalk can be a "concrete canyon", then I guess that a second- and third-story restaurant can be called "Heights".

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    any idea when this restaurant will open?

  3. Randall7:02 AM

    Glad to see some big signage indicating something is up there!

  4. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I noticed the bad smell is still being emitted from Smashburger out on the sidewalk.

    Can Urban Heights do something to make them stop? Very unappetizing odor.

    1. George9:27 AM

      What is the smell from?

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Walk on Norfolk on the sidewalk where the vent is on Smashburger. It's near their exit.

    3. Are there venting rules for restaurants?

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Yes - maybe Wiedmaier can use some muscle to get Smashburger to address that smell.

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It's really going to be more of a problem for Wiedmaier since it's right near his main entrance.

    Rumors were that the smell was gone, but I smelled it strong over the past week. It's bizarre, since you'd think a burger joint would have the wonderful smell of burgers cooking, like BGR.
