Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Plant sale at St. Jane de Chantal Church in Bethesda May 1-3

The St. Jane Frances de Chantal Sodality Guild will hold its annual Plant Sale on Friday, May 1 (noon - 6 p.m.), and Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3 (8 a.m. - 6 p.m.), adjacent to the church and school on Old Georgetown Road.

Plants available for your garden or home at the sale will include vegetables, herbs and flowers. Proceeds from the event will fund the charitable works of the Guild.

Payment can be made with cash or personal check; credit cards cannot be accepted at the sale.

St. Jane de Chantal Church
9525 Old Georgetown Road


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    another scoop by dyer

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      6:26am: turn down the snark a smidge

  2. Anonymous6:45 AM

    You spelled "Frances" wrong in the first sentence.

    1. 6:45: Actually, the spell check autocorrected Frances to "Francis". I remember carefully spelling it the correct way.

      Did you catch the misspelling in the Travel section of the Post on Sunday - jet leg, instead of "jet lag"?

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Ever since Hans Riemer got in office, spell check has been intentionally mispelling things to get back at Robert.

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    LOL, blaming it on autocorrect.

    That he can't be bothered to proofread a 99-word article is not a good sign.

    1. 7:31: So a huge staff like the Post prints "jet leg", and you give them a free pass? And you're ranting and raving about an extremely rare misspelling caused by autocorrect on my blog? Nuts.

  5. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I guess the substantive stories were too complicated for your brain to comprehend today. For example;

    MC Police officer struck by would-be robbers

    NIH Master Plan request for more parking

    But, hey your just a rogue blogger.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      7:36am anonymous: why are you so insecure?
      Feel good about YOUR blog. Be proud of YOUR work. And dial back the snark :)

    2. 7:36: Yeah, I was too busy covering a wave of violent assaults in downtown Bethesda, a robbery near Bethesda Row, and a reported rape in Bethesda.

      If you're expecting me to bash scientists at NIH, or advocate that they should be punished and have their parking privileges revoked, you will have to go elsewhere. I'm not going to do that. It's embarrassing for the MoCo Machine to claim NIH is a crown jewel of our "research triangle", and then turn around and bash the NIH employees from behind a wall.

      But, hey, you're just a rogue spammer.

    3. SourKrout4:42 PM

      I'm smarter then those NIH scientists. blogging is like curing cancer, right? Down with dyer! Read my blog Not dyer. Down with dyer!

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Stay away from their cupcakes. Just sayin'...

  7. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Snarky guy is back. A little bit of snark goes a long way.

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I was too busy covering a wave of violent assaults in downtown Bethesda, a robbery near Bethesda Row, and a reported rape in Bethesda."

    Yeah, you spent all of two minutes copying and pasting those stories from the MCPD newsfeed.

  10. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Big crime stories. 3:27pm may eventually report them? It'll be old news by then. sorry to be honest with you.

  11. Anonymous4:01 PM

    robert dyer takes himself very seroiusly

  12. Anonymous4:02 PM

    i like how he still hasn't corrected it?

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      This is a first. Your anonymous commenter/blogger friend is congratulating himself for having his head in the sand and not reporting crime stories.
      He's actually touting that he'll publish crime news a week late. He'll publish a snarky Bethesda blog entry instead?

  13. Anonymous8:31 PM

    7:36 You never learned the difference between "your" and "you are"?

    Or did you just trust spell check?

    Your comma is also misplaced, in that choice sentence.
