Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Westbard Alert: Little Falls Library meeting tonight at 7:30 PM

A public meeting is being held at the Little Falls Library tonight at 7:30 PM. It is only described as a meeting about the future of Little Falls Library, and the impact of the Westbard Sector Plan rewrite. No details regarding the specific agenda or format have been announced.

It is a meeting put on by the County Government, but the announcement has not followed the protocol of County Government meeting announcements. The only official government communication I have seen regarding tonight's meeting was in a newsletter emailed from the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center late last week.

Tonight's meeting was not announced to Westbard-area residents on the Plan Westbard email list, even though it is clearly highly relevant to that sector plan discussion and rewrite. This meeting should have been announced in print, and at least two weeks in advance.

The meeting tonight is not to be confused with Wednesday night's Westbard Sector Plan meeting, at 6:30 PM at Walt Whitman High School.

If you are a resident of the Westbard area, I highly recommend attending the library meeting tonight. Obviously, the possibilty was raised last November that the library could be moved to the redeveloped Westwood Shopping Center, ostensibly to free up the library site for an elementary school.

Just one problem - the library site is not large enough to hold an elementary school.

Will the public be able to speak tonight, or will it simply be spoken to? We don't know. Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Way to have your finger blocking this photo...stop eating those little debbie snacks

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    LOL, it's Amateur Hour in Not-Bethesda.

    1. 7:18: You're right, it is indeed amateur hour for Montgomery County Government, unable to make the standard public announcements for a meeting. "LOL" - but it's no laughing matter with "open government".

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Thanks for this heads-up, Robert!

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Perfect site for one of Hogan's charter schools.

  5. Anonymous3:04 AM

    wow....robert removed somebody's mention of seeing the meeting announced on another website?

    its like the kremlin over here
