Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tesla on display on Bethesda Lane (Photos)

You can regularly spot Tesla electric vehicles on the streets of downtown Bethesda. But yesterday, there was one on a street usually closed to vehicles, Bethesda Lane. Curious shoppers and diners were lured by the exotic car of the future, and checked out the high-tech dashboard. Tesla has a store at Westfield Montgomery Mall.


  1. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I would venture a guess that Bethesda has the highest number of Teslas on the road per capita. Lol. Love it.

    1. 5:13: Yes, they may soon overtake the Prius in Bethesda. Or at least the Bentley....

    2. Anonymous6:14 AM

      But any old Tacoma Park hipster can buy a Prius!

      Funny though, how the Tesla is so commonplace in Bethesda it's almost become a normal car around here.
