Sunday, June 14, 2015

Disorder on Cordell Avenue, liquor arrest on Bradley Lane + more - Bethesda crime update

Here's a roundup of crimes reported across Bethesda on June 11, according to crime data:

Vehicle burglary. 4900 block Cordell Avenue.

Disorderly conduct. 4900 block Cordell Avenue.

Theft. 7100 block Bethesda Lane (Bethesda Row).

Theft. 5500 block Cornish Road (Bradley Hills).

Liquor arrest. 4000 block Bradley Lane.

Theft. 6100 block Connecticut Avenue.

Theft. 5300 block Western Avenue.

Vehicle burglary. 9600 block Singleton Drive (Wyngate).

Vehicle burglary. 10200 block Grosvenor Place.

Vehicle burglary. 6200 block Wilmett Place (Hendry Estates).

Vehicle burglary. 11400 block Rokeby Avenue (Garrett Park).

Drug arrest. Outer Loop of Beltway at River Road.

Theft. Westfield Montgomery Mall.

Drug arrest. 5900 block Montrose Parkway (Pike District).


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Why does Dyer think Bryan Singers 2006 superman returns is the best movie ever? Does this guy lack quality judgement or what!?

    1. 4:12: You're poorly informed. I thought that movie was complete garbage.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    When is Dyer going to a hard-hitting investigative report on what happened to all those vacuum cleaners that were left behind at that repair shop that used to be at the corner of Old Georgetown and Wilson?

    Enquiring Bethesdans want to know!

    And they also want to know if vampires can drive Teslas.

    1. 5:24: I'm too busy writing investigative reports on corrupt government officials, pedestrian safety, environmental pollution cover-ups, and other topics actually relevant to Bethesda residents.

      Don't blame me you slept through the Bruce Variety closing story. "Don't go to bed before the King."

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Let the record reflect the fact that Dyer doesn't care about Bethesda vacuum cleaner owners.

  4. 7:32: The store closed years ago. Who besides you is still talking about it? I think they've replaced their vacuums by now.
